[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

This is a good question. You had a, say, 1/23 chance of being mech-confirmed N1, and it happened from another suspicious slot.

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1/22 I guess

Finally got caught up and if Apprentice hadn’t caught on and visited me, I wouldn’t have self resolved. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck N1 because I was worried that the person who was my other wouldn’t catch on to the fact that I was the one he had to visit.

As for the Italy shot, I think it was a braindead move since Italy could’ve been a powerful ally to the town. The scum are likely celebrating his death right now.

The Centuries debacle has me convinced that Centuries is town though and how Eevee tried to get things moved away from it has me thinking that Eevee wants yo help town win so I trust Eevee a lot more. My.trust in Marshal and TBE has been damaged a bit though but I still think both are town.

I will say this though. Chloe and Marshal are either V/V or W/W. There’s no possibility of them being on different sides.

I think Chloe and Marshal are the same alignment as well. Whatever alignment one of them flips as, the other will flip the same.

Anyway I feel bad voting on Centuries. I should have been a little bit more sceptical about the red check on him.

did you do anything on D1 designed to signal to whoever was your counterpart that they needed to visit you? what was your plan for if they didn’t visit you?

Those are good questions actually and yes I did. I did so by softclaiming Mason in the hopes that they’d catch on.

As for my plan if they didn’t, I was planning on just accepting my death although I would’ve asked to be lynched since I’ll warn everyone right now. I have the vantage ability just like Seth did, so I shoot back at any shooters as well.

Also note that I never would’ve just mentioned that I had that ability if I was scum.


can everyone stop claiming things

i realize this is hypocritical but like

lets not make it any worse :upside_down_face:

I do like leafia’s explination quite a bit

thinking that those 2 are just villagers

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ToS 2 anyone? What a mess that game was.

Thanks Marshal and okay Chloe.

at this point I have them as ‘willing to let them have a couple nights to self-resolve’

double Mason-ish roles is weird but

likely works with flavor

I tried flavor-hunting but every time i’ve done that it’s been really hard idk how to use wiki so im just not gonna use flavor 4 anything


still upset about italy’s death

it’s like I bought a new house and people were like “it’s probably infested with termites lets burn it down” when I had told people there were no termites


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Laughs That literally made me laugh IRL.

chloe has also tried to little success

so like

no flavorsolves from either of us

I don’t blame you Marshal. Italy’s death was my what the heck moment.

there is something particularly funny that she did but I can’t say cuz anticlaim :frowning:

although she’s prolly dead tonight anyways
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Same here. He never should’ve been shot.