[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Looks that way Arete.

Reflective masonizer + masonizer w/ anticlaim is not townsided, if it’s townsided it’s very slightly townsided but not enough to never be in the game
I definitely think there is room for the both of them, especially considering I’m sitting over here not counting towards town stopping mafia reaching parity. A lot of claims here seem to have negative utility.

that was the 1-specific-role I was thinking of

I’d really like to not be on mobile right now


what would you say if I said neighborhood?

And I’d prefer to be asleep, but I just watched a movie so I’m not tired :frowning:

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I’d be pissed at you for claiming mason

because claiming mason in a neighborhood has never worked right?

but my trust in chloe is mechanical.

I was on my phone until recently when it started getting low on power.

I would be very mad you claimed masons.


I’m not gonna say more as to not give anticlaim clues

im just gonna say



Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Hippo Zone_Q11 1/11
SirDerps Marshal, Arete, Leafia 3/11
Marshal SirDerps 1/11
Not Voting KyoDaz, Hippo, eevee, an_gorta_pratai, Darth_Vader, Apprentice, TheBlueElixir, Centuries, Icibalus, PokemonKidRyan, oB_L1ght, Vulgard, CRichard564, Chloe 14

@ me with mistakes/future votes


Also the reason I thought you were GF is at some point you said something about scum other than GF being scared of your red

Which pinged me as TMI GF existed and so I thought you were it

well I mean that was just a reasonable statement

I imagine any scum that could have been redchecked last night would be scared of my claimed check

14 nonvoters not 18

A few peeps got shot

Yeah but my brain told me TMI

Wait am i stupid

Oh nope

Just number wrong not names