[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


if ici is posting = v
if ici isn’t posting = w

you have now meta read me

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I really like his centuries case (regardless of flip, but favoring if wolf)

I think ici has been villagery

even without meta I like ici here

u aren’t that bad as a wolf wtf

can someone back this up

besides Ici

and his mode case was good as well

it’s an exxageration
but you know i struggle to post as actively as this as wolf

read marson for an example of shitty wolf play from ici

sorry ici

why is everyone acting like ici is incapable of being a halfdecent wolf, you’ve had some decent games, ESPECIALLY early game before stuff falls apart lol

idk in my experience it only becomes apparent later on but maybe i just havent noticed

don’t worry about it
i dislike playing wolf anyway

the last time i won a game was as a wolf 4 months ago lol

Ah. You meant the RT from Marshal.
…what about it? Do you mean that Centuries liked it when you didn’t vote him?

…? Is this my third time voting you, or are you counting for something?

I mean why is not voting a townread scummy

which is what you asked in the first place

the three games ive played, you’ve voted me in all of them

being voted by zone is a rite of passage
don’t worry about it


what was the last VC looking like

Ah… Now it makes sense. I thought it was about you not voting me, or anyone in general at all.
Because if you have someone you want to shade, you ought to prove your worth by voting them. In this case: Me.

Not a surprise there. Do you really think that I would play a game without voting anyone?
Why do you even bother counting how many times I’ve voted you?
Like, how is that beneficial to this game specifically?

part of the reason I chose centuries as my redcheck target is because I didn’t think he’d make most shotlists but also did wolfread him.

in villa!conroy games I can usually tell that it is, in fact, villa conroy

this game I don’t see it

Sounds about right.

me @ 85% of your posts