[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I think you were missing the fact that their reads were basically just ticking boxes, and don’t really have consistency throughout themselves. There’s not a real progression between them, essentially, even if each individual piece is not awful, if a bit unimpressive.

this presumes the claimvig is a dayvig
which is far from guarenteed

the anti claim isn’t a claimvig

so no

weve had too many claims for that and I think we woulda triggered an anticlaim gun if that was the case

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… Which is why I said “I hate to preflip, but…”

oB your in a few PoEs and your in a few side PoEs

whats your PoE look like

chloe not dying makes me think that it is probably flavor based

so uh


even if someone is about to be lynched, they should not flavor claim. Game would be breakable if we did that, which mean scum probably benefit from flavor claims -> person being saved in a way that is beyond a vig.

Passives and weapons should also not be claimed, as those can be used to find out flavor. Gold i’m not sure if it can or speed I haven’t done my research

but don’t claim flavor

don’t claim passives

don’t claim weapons

and i’d err on the side of caution when claiming speed and gold

Anyway I guess I sort of see the thoughts behind Centuries, but I’m not 100% sold. I literally don’t see Darth flipping town here either

/ITA Darth_Vader




I think claiming speed is second worst to claiming flavour.

Gold > Passive > Weapon > Speed > Flavor
^ If you HAVE to claim. This is the order you’re allowed to claim in.

not that you needed to be cleared anyay


I love seing ITAs

its like a rollercoaster

I sound dumb

not a fan of shooting them though, then its stress too

or none of the above

unless you accidently have your passive revealed as a minigun

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Or something which stops a minigun.
Or something confirmed via an ITA

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I saw Dat typing. I need answers

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anyone wanna bet what darth flips

wait that’s preflipping

any moment now could be it

im sitting on my seat

I’d be concerned if you were sitting somewhere you didn’t consider to be a seat

floor gang