[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

that sounded funnier in my head

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bird’s gonna come out

12 shots were fired

4 hit nobody died

I have high expectations


if you have a last will out it now


fuck no

Alright, lemme think about it.

Main PoE (From top to bottom)

  • Vader
  • Centuries
  • Eevee (Depending on if we believe the neut claim)
  • TBE


  • Marshal
  • Chloe
  • Leafia
  • Apprentice (although I like the shot)
  • KyoDaz

People I just kinda don’t like because of their playstyle

  • SDA
  • Crich
  • Hippo
  • an_gorta_pratai
  • Zone

Oh wow, would you look at that! 14 people out of 19.


if he’s at risk of dying

shouldn’t he say something

15% lol

My :b:onk target was already :b:onked

Chloe needs to rethink the :b:onk

What Oblight did to EVO wasn’t even an EoD vote, he did it for the majority of the day.
I agree that he shouldn’t be cleared, though. Today he kinda hasn’t done anything yet.

…Okay, this post is kinda wolfy. Why does he care? He’s not being voted today, and he didn’t come across as self-conscious whatsoever day 1.
Why the sudden shift? Is it because the thread is suspecting him? I wonder.

Did you even read what I wrote? I’ll assume you didn’t.

Is it going to be a consistent thing this game where you struggle to take a stance on anyone who might get lynched?

Like, compare what Oblight did to Centuries. If Centuries is a wolf, he played it really safe by unvoting instead of changing wagons, and he didn’t really try to shift his progression or anything. But Oblight completely demolished his.

It’s a weird contrast, especially since I think that Oblight was townread more than Centuries thanks to Derps’ fake N0. So yeah.

I could see him doing that if he was close with Seth though. Weird read, but here you go. Or maybe he just didn’t think it through before doing it (considering that his vote on EVO looks more like a snap judgment than a natural result of his posting; he was talking to EVO in a friendly way, and then he suddenly snapvoted the guy). Occam’s Razor.

Moving the guy closer to PoE, if not outright PoE. It’s possible that he could’ve just screwed up. I’m probably overestimating the self-awareness of the guy when he rands wolf, considering how easily he got caught in his last wolfgame.

I’m starting to think it’s indeed possible that you prioritized helping to save your buddy over maintaining your status in the thread. Not quite there yet, but it’s a distinct possibility.

What’s the self-consciousness all of a sudden? You didn’t give a damn yesterday all the way until you voted EVO. Why do you care now?

Yeah, posts like that.

I mean

whats the harm though

they might say who they targeted if they didn’t crumb it

but being like

“I’m darth vader the redirector and I redirected dat to N.1”

is stupid as fuck for what is basically a ~15% chance of dying and just opens someone previously not anticlaimable to possible anticlaim

I think that 2-3 people in the ‘Conditional’ category are town, and my bet is on Marshal and Chloe.

But hey, it’s not like I haven’t said that I don’t trust y’all before…

Cause, y’know, I did.

If you wanna put me in conditional, put me in conditional

But marshal is a good boi


I was more thinking reads

just like final thoughts

I feel like this list is wolfy as hell, considering the “conditional” section probably contains 4-5 town and the last section is just a joke.


I meant reads

like how EVO went out saying to put pressure on the towncore

you know like if he’s got spicy reads that should be taken seriously

At this point I’m fine with being in “conditional”

I felt weird being in towncore with only Marshal to back me up

And shit aint as simple as it seems

But should be cleared up tonight either from my flip or otherwise

Accurate representation of my read on Oblight right now.


The only thing I like in this is that it doesn’t involve me.
But the list as a whole is just horrible.

the main PoE is p much exactly like Apprentice’s

nothing wrong with that bit

conditional is something that Marshal also had as a thing at SoD

Just don’t like the people in it

and the playstyle one I can kinda agree with but doesn’t belong