[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Finally got caught up. Wow. It takes quite awhile to do so. I started reading up around 1 hour and 45 minutes ago. To answer your question Hippo, it tells me in my role card the exact role that can link with me and that they are villager as well. I can show you my role card if you want proof. As for the hunting thing, me softclaiming Mason was the hint that I left for whoever my bond brother happened to be.

I had some non-meta reasons to TR zone

kinda forgot them but I could look back if needed


do not do this

Yeah; when do you want to die?

It’s called playing a game with a destroyed Village Idiot meta, *****. I don’t want to be a root vegetable, and I don’t EVER want to play seriously, so I just chose to continue doing whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do.

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Zone_Q11 Leafia 1/10
Darth_Vader Vulgard, Apprentice 2/10
Centuries Marshal, Icibalus, Hippoyeetus, oB_L1ght 4/10
TheBlueElixir Zone_Q11 1/10
KyoDaz SirDerpsAlot 1/10
an_gorta_pratai Arete, eevee 2/10
Not Voting KyoDaz, an_gorta_pratai, Darth_Vader, Centuries, PokemonKidRyan, CRichard564, TheBlueElixir, Chloe 8

Also, the Centuries wagon makes a lot of sense to me and I trust who’s in it, so I’m joining it.


/vote Centuries @DatBird

I will say this though. If Centuries is villager, then Ici will be confirmed wolf for wanting him to die so much.

…welp, for starters I am clearly mistaken on Arete. …either that, or he is simply prioritizing Gorta’s death over mine.

I know, but I still don’t like my shot.

Please understand that I am not a wolf and I can explain everything. I will do anything to prove it

I think my alignment provides a bit of information as well, but I don’t want to die right now.

Alice was obvious town. Why would Vader try to lead a lynch on that? I feel like Vader would try to kill Alice n1 because they tried to get rid of Alice d1.


I did soft defend Seth because it’s rare to see Seth as a wolf and most of the times I suspected him in the past he was a villager. In hindsight it does look scummy, but I was relying a bit too much on meta and was going to shoot Seth if he was alive.

I wanted to give him a chance because like I said, Seth is a odd case and is usually village. I knew that if Seth was town he could do better.

I did sheep Alice’s reads because I know Alice is a good player and I trusted her. I parked my vote on EVO and then went to bed, but after I woke up and it was too late I felt regret. I then changed my read on EVO as I read the thread and I couldn’t do a thing to change my vote. I really did screw up on that lynch and I regret it, but that’s what I get for not following my gut. I would also like to point out that everyone wanted Cheese dead, but I get the blame for shooting Cheese? I regret the shot and should have followed my gut (same could apply to the EVO lynch), but I can’t change that now.

Kyo could be red, but I don’t think Kyo flips red, unless the JK play and Seth shot are in his scum range.

Was that not a valid train of thought? I could have pulled off a play like that as scum and I am a newbie to this site. It’s like fake claiming masons.

Okay. I won’t show my rolecard.


You did it! You child of an eevee, you did it!
You unvoted me! You lack CONVICTION after all!



that’s how 2 possible townies die

im sorry im multitabbing


I think this may have been part of what you were getting at earlier

After Poisonous FM you specifically expressed criticism of strategies that involve the collective town deciding what happens and forcing everyone else to comply

here you seem fine-to-approving of the ‘have the collective town force everyone to shoot specific players’ thing

is there a reason for that

Imo, this would be too much for Ici to be scum. He knows it would make him look like utter trash if this flips blue.

Alright. I finally made a small-but-proper list.





…it be smoll, but it is pretty much fixed.

Oh. Right. I should be adding Derps here as well.
…also who else scumread me again?

Adding L1ght and Centuries.
(Centuries until Vulgard explains the situation to me.)

Actually, move Derps to DEAD. Beneath Leafia.