[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Apprentice is the only one that I know for certain is town, so I’m going to trust his judgement. I will say this too, I should’ve trusted my own judgement on Centuries more and urged Chloe to shoot someone else, possibly Ici.

/vote Darth_Vader @DatBird

we’re going to have to organize these wagons

I think vader/gorta aren’t bad wagon choice

TBE is right about that.

Okay I cant quote posts quickly on mobile, but i’ve taken screenies, so I have them word for word:

Ici posted a wall of quotes from Seth that he believed spewed Seth and Centuries as W/W
“Here’s all of Seth’s content on Centuries, and I think it’s pretty clearly distance material?”

Centuries replied with:
“I literally do not interact back in all of your posts and if I had TMI do you think I’d be this agaisnt EVO wagon yet I wouldn’t actually vote?”

And, after looking at EoD, though he didn’t vote EVO, an unvote on Seth was nearly equivalent, so this argument is entirely useless. When I read back through this thread I figured Centuries could have used his unvote as a means to escape being scumread for voting EVO, yet accomplishing the same goal of not getting Seth lynched.

Ici’s argument was:
"I suggest that maybe, because Seth is calling you a wolf occasionally but backhandedly being weirdly chummy in a way that’s out of character for him, that him pushing you doesn’t clear you in the slightest, and you basically overreact and try to paint me as an illogical monster.

That doesn’t fill me with confidence in you being a villager, and I doubt it would anybody else either."

Centuries’ main response to this was to say that “its too far fetched to think hes doing this on purpose”
Of course if you know another player’s alignment is the same as yours, and you both have the same wincon of beating the majority, you’re going to treat your scumbuds weirdly. No matter how hard you try to act “normal,” you are going to slip up somewhere, and Seth’s spew on Centuries seemed to fit the criteria. This just seemed like an incredibly weak argument.

I’m getting sick of posting this shit on mobile

I agreed with Ici on most of his points about Seth interacting weirdly with Centuries, and that could be seen as spew. Ici showed genuine frustration and anger during this argument, which I don’t know if that comes from scum!Ici - but without metareading, this seemed incredibly pure and makes me more inclined to believe hes town.

Ici has highly discouraged claiming and specifically early on, after Hippo outed low speed, said for nobody else to talk about it in order to stop scum from getting information. (Sure, this can come from both alignments, but it stuck in my mind for some reason. I’m not using this as a major basis for townreading him).

From what I’ve read from other people, Ici is rather obvious and agenda-y as wolf, and he doesn’t seem to be in this meta at all.

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oh gosh

you actually did it

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fuck yeah i did

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I haven’t liked much of today. I’m confident theres a lot of scum presence in thread and at least one towncore leadery person in scum. I think if you’re town and in core it might be worth questioning the people around you - for example I dont understand why people like Ici and Arete are being taken as town by everyone just cuz a couple people said so.

Atm were just killing off easy to kill people, like does anyone actually think the team is just Vader gorta and light? Idk. Somethings definitely up. I dont like Chloe or Kyo (whom everyone jumped on to say he had a great a reaction to jb claim which is just not true) and everyones being super lazy about looking into some slots just cuz one person says so.

Atm were looking at another town loss imo. At least I’d get to keep my streak up.

I’m impressed Chloe.

ITA shot list (Continued from Dat’s list)

Shooter Got Shot at Hit or Miss
Mode Crich Miss
PKR Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
Cloned RedUnits Miss
Mode Crich Miss
Hippo Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
KyoDaz Mode Miss
Eevee GreenUnits Miss
KyoDaz GreenUnits Miss
Derps Mode Miss
Marshal Cloned Miss
oB_l1ght Mode Miss
Zone Centuries Miss
Vulgard Cloned Miss
Leafia Cloned Miss
Centuries Mode Miss
Arete Mode Hit!
Crich Cloned Miss
an gotta Cloned Hit
TBE Italy Hit
Ici Centuries Miss
Apprentice Darth Miss
Darth Centuries Miss
Chloe Centuries Hit

I hope it’s useful

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I wouldnt be lol

Its a shitty wallpost with bad formatting but its what i can do rn

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oh hey I got my like back for this

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Hippo, I think you’re talking sense here to be honest. There’s almost certainly at least one wolf if not more that everyone is convinced is town. Of that, I’m nearly certain about. Who they are besides most likely Ici, I don’t know yet. I’d say a 40% chance at best that he’s villager, and that’s being optimistic. He reads to me as being too smart to think that Centuries is wolf if he’s villager honestly.

in guessing by the evo/cloned/cent flips I find myself agreeing a bit again

oh wait your agreeing too


Leafia is hesitant with Chloe, but votes anyway. I can’t really say much in that regard. Leafia does pardon, but it is a interesting reason and there is no follow up or other commentary added.

So far I think whatever Vader flips Leafia will also flip

I don’t quite know how I feel about this

We all thought Cloned would flip wolf, but I will just leave this here

Now this, this is interesting

Goes from giving mode a town lean and then votes them calling them scummy when mode was playing scummy from the start and only started to improve later.

Leafia then votes EVO

I have notice a trend. Leafia makes halfway pushes and then rescinds and votes on the counter wagon.

Case in point

Example 2

This is interesting, but could be distancing


also noted

Example 3

I could be wrong, but I will put Leafia at a null slight scumlean and I will read the other in a bit (I need to cook soon). @Zone_Q11

I put it back

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You either have TMI or you are a villager, but I kind of have a slight town lead on you currently.

well this was a thing

I don’t think I got anything from it

but props to you for actually rewriting it

and since you posted it

that p towny

sorry for making you do that

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im afraid that’s not new

guess I should read the leafia iso now


how do I say this

its IIoA the whole way

granted, im guilty too


angry chloe noises

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That’s my honest read on you. I kind of feel the same way about these shots and that’s why I have a slight town lean on you