[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Oh yeah. I meant: Shot Italy, who had shot Mode twice. @Chloe

It was a compliment and I trusted Italy almost completely and would’ve gladly given him everything I had if he had asked for it. I kind of miss him honestly.


Oh. Nope.
But it doesn’t involve me, nor does it seem that he will harm town (yet), so I don’t need to worry about it either.

I didn’t expect Italy to die

I didn’t want Italy to die

I’ll trust you on that TBE.

I’m neutrals in. No way I would have recommended Italy get shot or voted up.

then why did you use an ability on italy that’s sole purpose was to make him die

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Y’all are crazy

Trusting neutrals in an open setup when you know what can roll is one thing
Trusting neutrals in a closed setup where you know bastard mechanics exist is another

We are notorious for putting way too much fucking trust in neuts and they end up screwing us over

I’m sad that we learned nothing from lying darkness but whateva

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I’d rather Italy be alive because hes fun to be around, but i wouldnt have given him my cash moneys

but I had reasons why I knew italy was being legitimate

blindly trusting neuts is dumb

but like logically he was almost certainly telling the truth

I trusted Italy myself due to Marshal trusting him. Plus, he seemed legitimate.

It depends on what neutrals we’re up against. If the neutral class is usually BD siding (Alchemist/Merc in ToL) then I prefer keeping them around. If it’s anti-BD such as Sellsword, they get killed.

Bang its a blank

TBE for me alternates between

“yeah I can see that this is kinda townie”


“what the fuck this is :joy_cat: WOLF :joy_cat:



To be honest, when I saw that 5 shots had been fired, my first thought was that one was TBE’s and the other 4 were Italy’s return shots so my first thought was don’t mess with Italy.

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@Eevee What is your win condition anyway?

Lets wait for Eevee’s answer.

internet went down, so im saying the same things twice

It was a bad shot. Im sorry and I regret it.

But I didn’t shoot to kill. Incase of any wild scenario, which they were lying in some regard, I think it was best that id get rid of a neutral’s death immunity.

I forgot I had a 5% chance of doing more then that

I get this a lot this game

not sure how to respond

I forgot about my passive too

and Italy says something like ‘don’t mess with me’ and I got scared

then I did remember my passive, but still wasn’t sure if it was me or him

it was me

Italy: I’m ITA immune.
Also Italy: Gets killed by an ITA