[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Well, a lot has changed. Right now, I have a null read on both you and gorta. I just want to see how things develop.

I wouldn’t be either

I wouldn’t be opposed to me getting the ol check either

but framers might exist so this is a bad line to purse

Well I don’t have any experience with y’all meta, and furthermore I think it’s pretty hard to make reads off of meta when the person playing probably knows their own meta the best

Yeah - dont influence which of them should be checked
just wifom

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Darth_Vader Vulgard, Apprentice, oB_L1ght, Leafia 4/10
TheBlueElixir Zone_Q11 1/10
KyoDaz SirDerpsAlot 1/10
an_gorta_pratai Arete, eevee, TheBlueElixir, Darth_Vader 4/10
Zone_Q11 Hippoyeetus 1/10
Not Voting Marshal, Icibalus, KyoDaz, an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, CRichard564, Chloe 7

Ping me with new votes/mistakes

ITA shot list

ITA shot list

Shooter Got Shot at Hit or Miss
Mode Crich Miss
PKR Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
Cloned RedUnits Miss
Mode Crich Miss
Hippo Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
KyoDaz Mode Miss
Eevee GreenUnits Miss
KyoDaz GreenUnits Miss
Derps Mode Miss
Marshal Cloned Miss
oB_l1ght Mode Miss
Zone Centuries Miss
Vulgard Cloned Miss
Leafia Cloned Miss
Centuries Mode Miss
Arete Mode Hit!
Crich Cloned Miss
an gotta Cloned Hit
TBE Italy Hit
Ici Centuries Miss
Apprentice Darth Miss
Darth Centuries Miss
Chloe Centuries Hit
Hippo Zone Miss

What I don’t like is that the wagon on me is not being led by anyone in particular. The wolves know I will flip town, and so they’re hesitant to lead the charge on me. I don’t think I’m really being scumread by anyone inside the towncore. Please, correct me if I’m wrong.

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votes being a thing

worth noting that gorta, despite(before cent died) saying either darth or gorta dies today, isn’t voting Darth(yet?)


I want to say he’s leading it

If im wrong, he should call me on this

im saying this because he’s in the towncore and the first vote on you

Yeah, I’d say that Vulgard is leading it too.


are you copying another wall

oh your doing an ISO which’ll end in a vote


Im actually going to read this through when its posted

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Me too TBE.

Right now the only good ITA was on Seth. The rest were 1 neutral and 2 town.

That’s certainly true CRich. I was starting to think Seth would survive all the ITAs too. He had stupidly good luck.

He was the one with the Legendary Sword Tryfing. It took 2 ITAs to bring him down.

True. It did and he was. It’s scary that scum won the arena N1 too.

tbh I thought scum would have an abil to insta win arena(and use it n1)

scum did win but I guess they dont

That means all town should enter the Arena tonight. Don’t let the scum have a free hand in winning legendary weapons.

especially ones with stupid ITA strength :eyes:

Wouldn’t an ability like that be OP though? Also, I’ll definitely be entering the arena tonight.

a 1 time use instant arena win wouldn’t faze me

having 1 scum with a legendary weapon isn’t that OP, heck it happened anyway after all