[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Hmmm, good point.

I’m going to be re-ISO’ing some people now just ping me if you wanna continue the conversation


I think I’ll call it a night here too, so good night.

I’m not sure scum could do much with these wagons if they wanted too? Which makes me think their W/W or T/T a bit

Sry oB, didn’t mean to ignore you. Just had an hour-long meeting that started at an inopportune time. I will rehash my thoughts at the time of posting, and yes you do have some fair points (yes there was a lot of hedging).

I can’t do it rn but expect it within the next hour.

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Darth_Vader Vulgard, Apprentice, oB_L1ght, 3/10
TheBlueElixir Zone_Q11 1/10
KyoDaz SirDerpsAlot 1/10
an_gorta_pratai Arete, eevee, TheBlueElixir, Darth_Vader, Leafia, Chloe, Marshal, CRichard564 8/10
Zone_Q11 Hippoyeetus 1/10
Not Voting Icibalus, KyoDaz, an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan 4

Ping me with new votes/mistakes

ITA shot list

ITA shot list

Shooter Got Shot at Hit or Miss
Mode Crich Miss
PKR Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
Cloned RedUnits Miss
Mode Crich Miss
Hippo Mode Miss
Italy Mode Miss
KyoDaz Mode Miss
Eevee GreenUnits Miss
KyoDaz GreenUnits Miss
Derps Mode Miss
Marshal Cloned Miss
oB_l1ght Mode Miss
Zone Centuries Miss
Vulgard Cloned Miss
Leafia Cloned Miss
Centuries Mode Miss
Arete Mode Hit!
Crich Cloned Miss
an gotta Cloned Hit
TBE Italy Hit
Ici Centuries Miss
Apprentice Darth Miss
Darth Centuries Miss
Chloe Centuries Hit
Hippo Zone Miss

8/10 is a little close :eyes:

I’ve been looking people over, and as paranoid as it makes me I still think the current wagon targets are decent. I’d prefer Vader>an_gorta, because gorta has made a few comments that seemed like his town tone, but I haven’t played with scum gorta.

I think at this point that at least one wolf is being mostly consensus townread, so that’s why I’m concerned about no one pushing for a new wagon. I don’t think W/W Darth/gorta makes a ton of sense. T/W makes sense if wolves think they can push it in their direction though.

/Vote Darth

Gorta flips town here

not going to lie I thought the wagons were a lot closer

some1 vote gorta and give him option to self hammer if scum

gamer moves

Then he can self hammer for bonus gold. 200iq

/vote Gorta


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Gorta flipsntown 90% of the time

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that’s L-1

@an_gorta_pratai you are at l-1

if you are scum you can just self hammer and cut off conversation(and steal gold)

do it nerd

I want to try and actually sort through these like I was planning to

We’re cutting it close at L-1 on Gorta. Perhaps one of us unvotes so we don’t quickhammer.

giving you this option is probably bad for town

but I like chaos

so dew it gorta ayaya

self hammer and watch the rest of the townies REEEEE