[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Okay Gorta.

Not enough joycats.

I could be wrong about you, but your voting history and such just makes me suspicious of you. You could be way too trusting, but yeah I have displayed my case against you.

I think I’m comfortable with this wagon in the end… re-evaluate if this flips town.
We need to start yeeting wolves. Mode is a good start but we need more.

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I am not a memer and I don’t use joycats

As for my indecisiveness, I have a tough time making up my mind sometimes and tend to follow people that I trust since I’m not exactly the best at scumreading. Case in point that I trusted Seth at first.

Why am I awake

I should not be
but I have marshal thoughts

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Derps/eevee/oB_Light w/w/w

the whole auction thing is utter bullshit.
they are all wolves


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To be honest, I don’t blame you one bit for suspecting me Gorta, as I tend to come across as Wolfish while town at times. I also remember one time when I became hard towncore D1 by claiming a town role with a chat with other people if that role. I was jester that game. Sadly the game was ruined and aborted due to a flamethrower. Fun times.

I honestly highkey think this is correct

eevee’s flip could be very telling

I don’t want to argue with him here

but honestly if 1 flips scum I want to keep the flips in those 3 coming

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Gamethrower. Not flamethrower. God I hate my phone sometimes.

If I die

one of


has to die in ITAs tommorow.

If whoever dies flips wolf
Keep shooting in those 3
especially if 2 have flipped w

honestly really liking this solve here

All valid shots for tomorrow. Light last. I think Light has a decent chance to be town.
No opinion about eevee.
Derps can just die tbh. I think I even forgot about him in my readlist?

I agree. Derps needs to die. The sooner the better.


/vote SirDerpsAlot

I’m looking forward to reading up on Gorta’s ISO on me too.

/vote eevee

hot take

this one is almost strictly better

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I agree

but derps I think is more likely to get traction
