[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

/ITA Brobama’s Corpse

Now ya just gotta AtE

I think Chloe has changed tonally from how I had her before.
I really wish I didn’t have to do stuff D1.
D1 is meme time for some people and I’m having to think hard so I don’t screw up.

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If we had ITAs today, this would be my shot list.


Which is a pretty massive shotlist and I need to start taking villagers out of that list.

Thinking the most likely villagers in that group are PKR, possibly Vader, possibly Gorta. Derps could go either way, and he’s mostly there for that reason. I’m assuming we have 5-6 wolves, so a list of 9 people isn’t actually that bad.

I didn’t include the 0 posters for obvious reasons.

Wrong. Every day is meme day

Stop talking about yourself lol

Can someone remind me why people are scumreading clone?

By the way, if I get to L-3 today, I can modpeek up to 6 people. I can make six innocent children.
If you put me to L-3, dybudabu hard carries.


I did give some reads earlier, but I think Cloned could flip wolf. Seth’s alignment depends on Chloe’s flip I feel

I don’t have that spot lock scum, but I have my doubts.

Eh, PKR has improving, and I like Derps’ posting. What’s worng with it?

i know that’s bullshit
but i want that


Do you want to get voted?

That sounds fake ᵇᵘᵗ ᵒᵏ

it’s a joke™

This Vulgard thing is sketchy

Just to be clear the reason I’m on the poe is cuz I’m memeing d1 in a mash game with 24 ppl and itas, on this site with half of the players who meme, even when I said pregame I’m taking it easy cuz I keep trying hard and losing and it’s annoying.

That’s the reason right?

vul: makes a joke about a game

everyone and their mother: lockscum die die die let’s talk about this

that’s exactly what somebody afraid of being modpeeked would say

Ew, waiter! There is a Vulgard in my soup!