[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Okay… why did you unvote?

I guess moreso because of his words than actions here.

Macho affects the player who the modifier is on.
Nice try with attempting to make me worry but it doesn’t work.
If you are a ‘macho doctor’ which I know was an already discussed fake thing earlier, then you wouldn’t be healable, not me.

Im still blocking u tho

Humu. Very well then.
This means that we will never reach an understanding on TBE.

Doctor =/= Blocking.
How about you stop f’ing lying because you’re annoying and not looking townie from claiming clearly f’ing contradictory things.

I was sheeping PKR, who said that Vader is being towny.

What about TBE’s actions strike you so hard that TBE is scum despite his words and reactions?

I’m a a tracker and I will redirect you to me tonight @PokemonKidRyan

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If you cant handle the heat stay out of the fire.

Don’t even join the hippo shit I’m not in the mood.

The heat?
The hottest thing to do with you right now would be if you shopped at hot topic.

The shot(s) on Italy.

…okay, let me ask you this: Why did you sheep PKR instead of making your own reads?

Those are all good questions.

I don’t quite know, but I will say that I have struggled to find a balance in following others and doing my own thing.

This is something I have struggled with on this site, but I need to find that balance.

Then you have failed to convince me you’re town in this game. Next time, make your own reads instead of sheeping others.

Sizzle sizzle bitch

Have you actually read my ISO?

I encourage everyone who has doubts about me to read my ISO and make your own opinion. Don’t just sheep the reads of one person (that’s how EVO got lynched).