[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Oh. That was what marshals redcheck shit was about he bountied them

What you mean?

I’m redirect immune.

I jailed Marshal n1. Which led to his FPS being destroyed.
My second jail target which was last night I am not disclosing because someone may claim something and trip up when I occupied them

His “redcheck”?yesterday was his bounty that’s why he was against ITAing them

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…I guess I can live with a Derps lynch.

–nope. I will stay on TBE after all.

…oh hey. A contradiction. Now I can put you and Derps in a thunderdome!

Jk dosent prevent visits

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Ah yeah I see.

P sure it does.

I’m aware, it occupies the target which they may slip up on

@Aelin come it’s Kyo

Standard JK dosent prevent visits

Kyo ffs.
Please just say your target.
You have people lined up to shoot you and you’re just delaying it which is frustrating.
Also a lot of people have said stuff already.
Has your target already spoke?

Was talking to zone

Oh ok

Have you not realised that I’m ITA immune?
I don’t care if people waste shots on me. It’s probably for the better considering the last amount of flips we’ve had.

It’s just a heal + occ

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How many passives does your class HAVE

I’m sure

Can I just say even tho were prolly gonna lose this is a good game i have no idea who’s bad and basically everyones playing hard.