[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Aight well yeet I don’t think wagonomics really matter because I’ve seen plenty of wolves jump on a wolf wagon day 1 and I’ve even seen a wolf hammer on a wolf wagon…

Anyway, I’m realizing now that I sound super scummy and I give no fucks about it, lol
/vote Alice

Edit: Do I have to tag someone?

Kind of would like to know the reasoning, tbh.

Ah I remember you Vader. Still wondering what OMGUS stands for though.

Oh my god u suck

Voting people who voted you


the more I read this post the more I felt like mike here

I’m on break what did I miss

Ah and thanks.

Reasoning is that nobody else has questioned the NAI post, and nobody else is scumreading you yet, I have to keep you on your toes.

Plus, it differentiates me from the pack, which in turn will give us more info when the wolves start targeting people.

If everyone is the same, then we won’t have reads to go from when the wolves kill ppl

you are at l-1 and redchecked

/vote sirderpsalot
lol what alignment were you

Finally figured out how to change my avatar too as you can see.

…so there reasoning you believe I flip W here is because nobody is SR’ing me?

I play a special brand of FM, you can’t argue that :slight_smile:
you didn’t answer my question though :confused:

Pretty sure Vader is town, or whatever we’re calling the good guys right now. He’s obviously trying to figure things out.

Same vibe


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Gee thanks, but I’ll have you know I’m resistant to 100% of pocketing techniques, whether they come from town or scum

I will have you know I am 100% immune to dying in any way

Wait a second. Is that a Kylo Ren pfp with a Darth Vader username? Scum located ez

Not on break anymore they sent me home lol