[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

One shot one miss!

I demand a reroll :rage:

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who yeet and those who are yeeted.

SDA, Light.
Both of you can fucking fight me.
I hate your mason pair.
I try to reply to Vul and then L1ght even shoots me.

Both of y’all fucking aggravate me.
Anyway if y’all don’t fucking mind, I’d like to do what I was TRYING to do.

ive been fine with PKR for a reason ive held secret but didn’t involve any secret info

might as well out it now

PKR’s class can put someone on trial and cop check. Feels exactly the kind of loadout a town investigator in a series would have

weak point but one I stand by

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on my screen the lag showed that i typed that message and a second later you shot. blame lag lol

You know what? Fuck it


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Time to die to vantage :sunglasses:


well this can have a few outcomes

some are better then others

also I don’t die easy

we shld shoot tbe before PKR tbh


so many people have said this

too many

the only case on me was that I was a LW

try again

Vulgard, my trust in you is disappearing fast. I think you’re just a villager that has been misled by the wolves though as you do bring up a good point about PKR. I have no idea how he’s still alive but he’s never the vote here when Derps has been acting ultra scummy.

You make it sound like you’re a rolecop, which would contradict your earlier claim. If this is not your mech info, then… well, we all know this? He’s hardclaimed all of these already.

Vantage hasn’t killed anyone this game yet. More like disadvantage.

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Also, I have no faith in any of your reads any more.

I cant fight people yoloing me to the grave

2 shots, 2 misses

That’s fine, I say this to myself quite frequently.

Fuck you


I mean my case on you is that if you are’nt wolf than who is. Everyone else has been townier than you or has a reason that they’re town. You don’t. Doesn’t really have to do with lost wolf.

im saying that his claim makes sense as a character