[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Gone from thread for most of daytime irl

Made plans cuz i thought i’d be out of the game by now lol

OMg iS tHiS AI?¿?
no fuck you

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If I get MKd here, at least it’s not the worst thing.
There’s still a lynch lol

I thought you were flavorclaiming a character called Crestheart, sorry. Disregard that statement

Nah, that’s my discord.
But fair enough.

I see CRich joined.
Zone also used to be in the server, still is.
IDK how I forgot that.

Nope that’s PKR’s name on the discord server.

And people like Leafia still think this guy is scum and as such, has TMI.
Come on.

Except for Richard.

Just take your time catching up.

Probably because I don’t talk there anymore.
I wonder why I didn’t leave.

For times like this when you can use it to actually get some meta on me.

I shared the server because tbh I think it’ll be useful and at this point I think I need to just help as much as possible because my check both nights could’ve been better (Though again my zone check was decent just not ideal)

Denied. I’m not the type to ISO people. I talk with them and trust my gut instead.

frames may exist

moi does

Well… If people could give me an order for the 4, I can consider it and not say out loud which one I have chosen, no? That way any potential framers still need to WIFOM.

Potato, potato

@ Potato, potato, potato

You here?

Vulgard, you’re the one trusting someone who is either wolf or the worst judgement possible. I think I’ll ISO PKR now and see what turns up.

Or has the worst judgement possible.

Does this mean Vulgard has worst judgment possible if he is trusting someone with worst judgment possible?


Look I could’ve picked a worse N2 target and a worse Grand Trial target.
Can people give me some damn credit?

I mean… Vulgard could shoot at townier people, so he should get credit for killing Darth.

My dumbass went through every single PC and NPC on the wiki before I came back here and saw he was talking about his discord name.

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