[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Now that I’m thinking about it, if worst comes to worst, killing Eevee is optimal.

We’re told to defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that wish us harm.

If eevee isn’t neut i wish he would just

stop fucking claiming it

not that i’ll believe it but still :upside_down_face:

finish the wall chloe


a passive linked to your death

we got another

I have 0 clue what to think of it

maybe there is 2/3 abils triggered, 1 from a noot/nk, one from town and 1 from scum

wait I just assumed oB was town over this

eh he prob is over it anyway

congrats oB you live

Uh… thanks, I guess?

Eevee - action the town

or me

otherwise I you get an ITA blanket


Imo, we should do our best to keep Eevee alive. But if we kill like 5 Loptrians and the game isn’t over, it’s possible Eevee is… whispers ˡʸᶦⁿᵍ

Maybe the wagons should be PKR and Eevee then.

Thank you for ignoring the first part of my post, Leafia. May I get you an extra pair of sunglasses to increase your blindness?


thats all


Part of me thinks hes just town FPSing because hes had good shots, and the way he tried to stop the argument between Kyo and Marshal doesn’t add up - as neut wouldn’t give a single shit. it seemed genuine to me

But the other part of me says neuts are always bad

Oh wait he shot vul

fuck that guy

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I posted that before reading that post.

Also, I expect a very powerful scum leftover. Kyo was Manfrey turned Julius - I would expect Alvis to be the head of the scum faction.

Eevee is a neutral claim, yet has he outed win condition yet? I haven’t seen it unless I’ve missed it.

I had something else in mind :^)

I have a good name for it too

I call it… The L E A F I A wagon

going to argue with some people who wont like it that aren’t leafia

  1. not all LHFs are town.
  2. I have 1 vote, so ill use it that way
  3. I don’t like a lot of the main wagons
  4. Masons don’t mean nothing to me with so many mech confirms and townreads

Something similar to Italy’s iirc

/vote Leafia


Arvis, not Alvis, sorry. Although, Seth’s character did come from Thracia 776 or whatever.