[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I see ya typing

any reason youre waiting, crich?

At this point if I’m going to ITA someone, then I have to hope this flips scum.
/ITA TheBlueElixir

/ITA TheBlueElixir @N.1 ITA count.



oops forums didnt update sorry for double ping

Light, TBE is always the lynch today. Not me. Wake up and smell the flowers. Lynch me and have maybe a 15% chance of winning or lynch TBE and have an 89% chance of winning. Which do you think is better?

If TBE is town, apologies in advance if he is.

@Apprentice, shoot PKR.

Two shots fire . . .

and both miss.

i saw it

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LUL that’s a mispelling.

yes i know im getting memed now

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Well im p sure that confirms one of CRich’s passives

Yes it does. Now vote TBE CRich.

I did a double take when I saw that. For a moment I thought I was seeing things wrong.

Alright lets do this /vote TheBlueElixir

@N.1 /vote TheBlueElixir VC


Voted Votee Votes
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Hippoyeetus 2/7
SirDerpsALot Zone_Q11 1/7
Leafia oB_L1ght, SirDerpsALot, TheBlueElixir 3/7
TheBlueElixir Leafia, CRichard564 2/7
eevee Chloe 1/7
Not Voting eevee, PokemonKidRyan, Apprentice, Icibalus 4

Day 3 ITA List

Shot Shooted Hit or Miss
Zone TheBlueElixir Miss
Vulgard Darth Hit
Leafia The BlueElixir Miss
SirDerpsALot PokemonKidRyan Miss
PokemonKidRyan SirDerpsALot Miss
Icibalus KyoDaz Miss
Eevee KyoDaz Hit
Hippo TheBlueElixir Miss
oB_L1ght PokemonKidRyan Miss
Chloe TheBlueElixir Miss
Eevee Vulgard Miss
TheBlueElixir Leafia Miss
TheBlueElixir CRichard564 Miss
Havent Shot Apprentice 1

@ me for itas and votes

2 ITA deaths left for the day

I think you’re both scum

Anticlaim is just modkill if you quote card

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