[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

dont say which you’ll check, but check in those 4

Awwww, ATE to get my help ;(

PKR that votes dumb, dont say or comment who you’ll check at all, just do one of them.

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If I can get you to help contribute somewhat I’ll use “AtE” or whatever you want to call it as much as needed.
Eevee, I am being genuine though, we are friends.
Heck we met each other irl!

Fair enough.

Sure, if you want my opinion…

Zone/Ici might be better thing to solve.

Odd watcher / even tracker/ full cop/ half cop

Too many invests.

This is actually kinda spicy but I kinda like that opinion.
I’ll keep it in mind if others thing it’s decent.

We didnt drin… wait we did.

We didn’t… no, right … we did



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*Think not thing

PKR if ur town just decide for yourself, almost half the ppl giving u suggestions of who to check are gonna be anti-town lol.

This is true but Eevee generally is helpful.
Plus I admit, there is a chance slight chance Eevee is evil and shot Kyo, but I doubt it.
As you pointed out Kyo’s faction, the only way Kyo could die by them was by the ITAs.

I think Eevee’s opinion is useful overall.
Also it’s good to get people’s reactions and opinions because that gives even more information y’know. Be it by town or anti-town.

More info = More analysis

Mode ISO’s TheBlueElixir. What does everyone think of this? I don’t really know what to make of it I’d need a God like PKR to help me.

My genuine reaction to Seth and how he acts would be in the discord I posted earlier.
But if you don’t want to check that, I’ll bite and check it out in a bit.
I really need to do housework.

Window cleaning :expressionless:
I’d swear with the amount of cleaning that I do around here, I’m a f’ing real life janitor.

It means that TBE is town.

Idk, he gives it a leanscum but then forgets about his read and doesn’t make any effort with pushing it which made me think it is W/.W but i’m not sure. Why do you think it leads to TBE town?

idrc what’s inside.

As always – content don’t really interest me.
But why would he have his only ISO on scumbuddy if he was pushed to begin with.
He would risk spewing too much.


Yeah, this is conclusion without reading as ingle bit of his iso dive on TBE.

oh he actually does follow it up lol

yeah I think Mode’s intreactions with TBE actually spew him town if anything.

I think murdering a mason today might be best

I’m unsure how to make out Seth’s stuff.
He’s someone who always just doesn’t know how to act.
I’m going to check some games I’ve known him from more
(Do note this is why I did post the discord)

His reactions could actually give some useful things here it seems even more than I thought.
I only thought the server would be good to show me/Darth stuff lol