[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Vul is almost certainly town. Arete had a V soulread on him and they flipped town. I’ve agreed with almost everything Vul has said (which means either hes town or i fucking suck). He was bled, which seems to be real as
hippo is bleeding today. He doesnt kill arete cuz arete has a townread on him. He doesnt kill marshal cuz its 2 easy mislynches. Hes also an obvious wolf, and he hasnt been pushing any agenda or been shady from what i can tell

You dont fuckin shoot him

I wanted you to shoot TBE as you were both likely LWs and TBE has vantage

why would a noot shoot someone with vantage

@eevee auction me

i feel useless at night without abils

While in hindsight t, its likely that neither of you is LW

I still agree with my thoughtprocess at the time

eevee more likely NK then LW as a liar

im glad to say im not a LW

and if I am a LW im visiting Leafia tonight so i can gain access to the chat

anyone disagree

The vig is real jfc


can’t believe I actually got to use this image


Wtf no

U dont have the balls to hard claim. Dont pretend.

if no masons are resolved 2 lives shouldn’t be on the line

we should lynch a mason first

play to your own tune if youd like

Ur mason says it’s not real dumbass

hey nobody disagreed

I literally softed my entire ability to crich earlier lol. And my ability isnt relevant and doesn’t clear ppl, urs does.

I think u shld out any and all info u have

my passive clears nobody

I have no abils

this was previously claimed

Exactly why it’s not valid shot, lmao.

You can’t tell someone who loses if they die “go, suicide”.

I have vantage dont shoot me.

im apparently safe from a small page


thats all I think

oh wait thats all I need to give you

do have a bit more, should be obvious in my classcard