[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

mech pushing should be fine

flavor doe

Good. Goodbye felicia.

Hopefully you’re voted out by the time you’re back because people realise how damn sketchy your masonry is.

Leaf was confirmed by apprentice or apprrentice was confirmed by leaf?

hardly, he should just say it.

I mean I’ve already said it at some point yesterday

And I’m masons with light

I was asking which one confirmed which.

I honestly dk I think they claim one is masonizer or smn leaf I think I have no idea

also the info is about you and why ur town, it doesnt rlly matter if u say u know what he means, cuz we are trying to use the info to discern ur alignment.

I have to go to work soon but I’ll give you all my money if you shoot leaf

apprentice if your referring to our masonry don’t tell them


everyone is being so secretive about info it makes it super hard to realize whats going on. we are almost at lylo people, scum can use “oooh i have info but dont wanna say” as an excuse to save ppl. it is much better at this point just to out shit.

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apprentice confirmed by leaf. leaf always dies first.

I’ve outed everything I have but I’m scum due to picking bad targets apparently. I can’t blame anyone for being cautious

if anti claim is flavor based

then i don’t wan tot die

mech sure thoguh

basically my flavor is somewhat indicative of my abilities, but not entirely. I think having Astra raises TBE’s town equity, but it might be risky to read into lolmechinfo too mcuh

mate a bunch of ppl have claimed flavor, ur gonna be pretty low on the flavor vig list lol. how would apprentice know ur flavor anyway

so why is he town?

Hi i see dead people

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flavor cop

I dunno

maybe he looked up my abils