[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Look at every flip then the wiki for the character.
Type in “(Character) FE4” and a wiki will come up hopefully

Pretty sure ici and apprentice might be the only two people to know a single thing about fire emblem

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I just played through FE4 and it’s hands down the best FE game. Haven’t played FE5 though

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All i know is shit from Smash

these are just the FE games that haven’t been translated

I’ve just used flavour a lot.
Am I a dick?
Then again I know some bits… not much.
But I know Fire Emblem 3 Houses… somewhat

it doesnt mean flavor is AI tho. like in overwatch FM all the bad guys were called talon, and like D.VA and normal good guys were in Talon.

Didn’t you actually just straight up flavorclaim. Ew

FE1 through FE3 have remakes, and FE6 has had a translation hack up for so long that it’s hardly obscure, but FE4 and FE5 are much more obscure

And OP doesnt say flavor is AI which i think it would if it were.

hippo that’s not what’s happening

Shut up.
I felt like I had to.
My 2nd gen character I only hinted to.

I have a feeling you and Ici know her

Which is quite the shame since I think they’re great

Excuse me what

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I can flavor claim.

Besides, Apprentice knows my flavor actually :eyes:

that should have been made clearer then, most themed games with lots of flavor dont have flavor as alignment indicitaive.

Okay lets not start a mass flavorclaim train

Wait that is actually your flavor?

this isn’t what I did in Fates, where I just took characters and made them wolves based on nothing at all. each of the flipped wolves are actually part of the Loptrian Empire, and that’s not going to change

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Also we are NOT mass flavorclaiming