[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

SirDerpsAlot has been executed by the court on the charge of High Treason! He was . . .


Prince of Light, Sword and Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Lances. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon Sword or /weapon lance to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Sibling Bond (Passive): You are Masons with Julia. You know each other’s class cards and share a chat, but as you are in siblings, you will no longer die together. If one of you ITAs a player, the second one will get a 10% increased chance of landing an ITA on same said player.

Pursuit (Passive): Perform a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Nihil (Passive): Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Main Character (Night): You know your team better than anyone else. Check if target player is a member of the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders. (3 uses)

Speed: 25
Gold: What your father had left

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

He was the following in Gen 1:


Prince of the Duchy of Chalphy, Sword and Lance Cavelier, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders

Weapons (Passive): Swords and Lances. He starts equipped with a Sword. Type /weapon Sword or /weapon lance to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Lovers at First Sight (Passive): You are Masons with Deidre. You know each other’s class cards and share a chat, but as you are in love, you will both die together. Resulting in the end times for the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders, but will also bring on a second-generation to continue the battle.

Pursuit (Passive): Perform a second ITA on an opponent if ur speed stat is higher than ur targets

Main Character (Night): You know your team better than anyone else. Check if target player is a member of the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders. (3 uses, Odd nights only)

Speed: 25
Gold: 1,200

Turns into Seliph in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

Night 3 has just begun and will end in 24 hours, at 2020-05-23T19:30:00Z. Arena signups are open for 12 hours until 2020-05-23T07:30:00Z. New arena mechanics may be coming; if so, they will be specified by Dat ASAP.


Arena tonight will cost 750 gold and will have a cash prize alongside the legendary weapon. 1st place will get their 750 gold back and the legendary weapon. Second will get 1000 gold and third will get 500 gold. As we are doing a bracket system there is usually two third place spots but they will duke it out as there can only be one third place position.

Dont forget about the sale listed at SOD


Stimulus checks will be announced a bit later and shipped a bit later. I gotta do math and I want to make sure i do it right


SirDerpsALot had 950 gold split between 7 people so a 135 gold payout each with the hammerer getting 140

As Arena closes at 3am it will be processed in the morning dont expect results for a good bit after it closes. It will be done before SOD though



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(actually it closes in 32 minutes because I can read good)

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arena time

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Arena has ended. Sending results.

actions will be locked at 2020-05-23T19:00:00Z

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Roughly 11 minutes til actions are locked

And we locked sending feedback

Day will start on time, just sending it early to be ready

Day will start on the minute, as close to the start of the minute as possible.


Vulgard has bled out and Icibalus was killed.

Both of Vulgards Flips


Thunderous Noble, Lightning Anima Magic Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders

Weapons (Passive): Lightning Anima Magic. She starts equipped with a Lightning Anima Tome. Type /weapon lightning to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Wrath (Passive): If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills

Cast Spell (Day): Imbue your ITA with a spell type of your choosing instead of whatever weapon you have equipped.

Generate Spell (Night) Visit someone leaving a page of your spellbook behind notifying them that someone visited them. Gain a random type of spell from the following pool: Wind, Fire, Dark, Light

Speed: 10
Gold: 1700

Turns into Tine in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

In the Second Generation


Wrath of Thunder, Lightning Anima Magic and Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders

Weapons (Passive): Lightning Anima Magic and Sword. She starts equipped with a Lightning Anima Tome. Type /weapon lightning or /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Wrath (Passive): If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Cast Spell (Day): Imbue your ITA with a spell type of your choosing instead of whatever weapon you have equipped.

Generate Spell (Night) Visit someone leaving a page of your spellbook behind notifying them that someone visited them. Gain a random type of spell from the following pool: Wind, Fire, Dark, Light

Speed: 10
Gold: Whatever your Mother left you

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

Both of Icablus's Flips


Strong and Tough, Armored Sword Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders

Weapons (Passive): Sword. He starts equipped with a sword. Type /weapon sword to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Watch From the Back (Night): Watch a player seeing who they visit. (Odd nights only)

Speed: 5
Gold: 1200

Turns into Hanibal in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

In the Second Generation


The Wall, Armored Sword Lance Axe Bow Ground Unit, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders

Weapons (Passive): Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow. She starts equipped with a sword. Type /weapon sword or /weapon lance or /weapon axe or /weapon bow to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Vantage (passive): If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Adept (Passive): Gain an ITA shot after you shoot your ITA, no matter if you hit or not. Speed% chance to activate.

Pavise (Passive): When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Watch From the Back (Night): Watch a player seeing who visits them. (Odd nights only)

Speed: 10
Gold: Whatever your fellow Armored pal left ya

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm

Day has started and will end in 48 hours at 2020-05-25T19:30:00Z

/ita Apprentice

/ITA eevee @DatBird

/ITA Apprentice @DatBird @Geyde @N.1

/ITA eevee


/ita Chloe

If Charge triggered