[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I feel bad for u hippo
U keep being more innovative as town
Yet continue to lose every tiem.

Also Hippo was scarily spot-on this game so very wp to him

Like, I tried this game. I really, really tried. And we still did a terrible job as a collective. A mislynch every day and ITA shots mostly at town.

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vul now you know why the dumb wolves killed marshal

cuz chloe was one of the dumb wolves

It makes me really sad, tbh. I’ll get over it, but damn. And I killed a villager with an ITA myself, and shot another villager too.

Marshal woulda fucked me up if we both lived

I was really nervous too. I’m relieved that it’s all over now and that we won. I was certain I was going to get lynched D3.

Reads didn’t matter this game.

You had 3/4 remaining main pack wolves after Mode died in the towncore because they were falsely mech-cleared.

it actually killed Vulgard though lol, as crich healed PKR n2 (who got transferred to ZOne as both bus drivers were swapping pkr and rng said Zone not vul. and healed u n3

you or eevee

depends on when whoever eevee gave the message to got on.

if app had said the spelling error thing within the first 1 or 2 hours I likely blast eevee

otherwise i likely blast u

also those messages from eevee were pretty funny yeah thanks for those

See, I tried to ignore mechanics in the FoL we recently played and you were scum who I’d caught by mechanics without realizing it.

I’m really terrible at mechanics. I always manage to misclear someone over them or mislynch someone over them.

Also, please don’t feel bad @Zone_Q11. You played great and it was a joy playing with you. Hugs Zone

i love itas cuz i dont have to convince ppl on my reads but hate mechanics which puts me in a hard place cuz i want ita mashes but not ones with many mechs

im hosting a vanilla ITA game soon

gonna pop it in queue right now actually

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yeah that was my mistake, i couldnt think of how to spell enemies. I spelt it enimes if if recall correctly

It’s not about mechanics.
I feel just annoyed at players rn.

Vulgard not healed from bleeding.
Light shooting Ici.
TBE helping scum to quickhammer.

I just don’t feel like playing on this site is…fun.
Or competitive.

It’s just bad.

Said a head FM mod. Great.
Don’t quote me on this.


That wasn’t what changed anything. The entire post sounded exactly like eevee made it up