[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I kinda forgot he was bled at that time.

my new plan is to just wait till i role scum and if i dont just meme it up and not care cuz ive now lost like 9 towngames in a row lol

Seth’s RNG with his vantage shots was piss poor lmao.
I got concerned at that point.

are u going back to mu? if so i will
Ples ping me for game signups u plan to play in there when they appear, ty

I will consider playing games on MU again, but only if you are in the game.

i dont think 1 vantage shot hit except in arena

I can’t stress this enough.

As I said before, ICs and Masons only.

Mediums are not self-resolving.

Also you had two extremely wolfy players claiming mason. How the hell did nobody bat an eye?


Fair enough.
But like… I set up a firing squad on Seth 100% expecting 1-2 townies to die due to sheer probability and none.


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because I’m bad

I’m in this game as Kokoro Mitsume.


was i the slowest character?

… I guess I should be offended that you called me a nobody.

But I fucked up so sure.

half the people thought it was derps and Light and the other half thought it was leafia apprentice. Also all the people that said since Dat designed it, i wouldnt doubt two masonries


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I didn’t mean you.

Like everyone just forgot about Leaf until d3.

speed stats

They didn’t even spell your first name right… seems normal :expressionless:
I’m just gonna put this thread back to normal now so I don’t get any noti’s unless pinged / replied to because ugh.

my character was a dancer i shlda have been ninja fast


:upside_down_face:ing real hard rn

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honestly despite some questionable plays i had a lot of fun, pretty balanced game and almost everyone tried to some degree.