[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

he claimed an odd night cop in a game with like 1000 mason claims, a regular cop with a grand trial, a jail keeper treestump god amonst men, and whatever the fuck else scum claimed

I was talking about the passives but okay

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I claimed loverised mason odd night cop

We did lol

Check scumchat

Rather bold of you to assume I know how

i mean

its still mildly tame compared to whatever the fuck chloe and pkr and kyo claimed

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Chloe claimed medium or something

Why the fuck did scum get all the flavor players :frowning:

Also whoever did that big block of narrowing it down deserves a hi five

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Did u know who I was

I believe they thought you were Arden

We thought arden LMFAO

I tried to flavorsolve everyone we had skill info on but it was hard to narrow people down. We got some important ones in arete, oB/Derps, and eevee tho

So i’ll take it

Honestly, @Leafia, the only reason I didn’t shoot you last night is because I overthought the hell out of it. I played about as poorly as this in my first scumgame a week or two ago. It was… :sleepy:

Don’t be too hard on yourself, oB. We all make mistakes - its human.

Making mistakes doesn’t make you a bad player - its not learning from them that does. Use this as a learning experience so in the future you can fuck up some wolves with some perfectly aimed vig shots :wink:

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Why couldn’t y’all have sheeped Alice’s reads? Hell, you could have known something was wrong with Leafia after I died.

Thanks, I just won’t re-eval after day 2. :bigbrain:

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I occupied you N2. Fool.


well i mean

I wanna say good thing I didn’t try to get myself lynched(despite bounty)

but then again…