[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

you know an icon when you see one

Isn’t this normal for Derps?

I have a hard time reading them and FPS’ing a n0 looks kind of villagery from him.

yeah it’s normal for him

he’s hard to read and not really helpful for town either way so I think he should be on shot list

but :man_shrugging:

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Too bad so am I.

Also, should or shouldnt use my ability that may or may not do something to either alice or pkr

dybudabu think lack of movement on hippo wagon mean hippo scum
scum not want to vote scum but they want vote town
chloe get many votes quick but hippo 0
only dybudabu votes hippo because dybudabu know hippo scum
but scum no vote hippo
town must vote hippo
hippo scum

…if the thing is good, then use it.

If the thing is bad, then don’t.

We need 1 more pardon I think.

Lol I’ll bite with a case like that.
/Vote Hippo

My bad.

hippo freeze like water now when dybudabu has eyes on hippo
dybudabu hard carries

What if neither

Also /pardon


The fact I seem to have more success building wagons on people while roleplaying as DybuDabu probably says something about this website and our community.


after a solid few minutes with actual internet i have decided it’s safe to return
watch me be proven wrong in the next 20 seconds

hellur italy do you have any thoughts on anyone

I think you are easier to read when doing dybuspam

so i’d be more willng to sheep u

not sheeoing hippo wagon tho I think reasons r eh and it flips town a good number of worlds

Pardons thus far

not really


Unless your scum, if your scum, then scum claim and we will let you down easy and gently vote you to your demise.

Add Evil Ginger’s pardon just and…

@DatBird we have majority of 12 now!