[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

game is a lot harder with the eevee avatars ngl

Usually wolves don’t act obtuse for no reason, when they do it’s for agenda purposes like furthering a ML, not about a petty argument regarding semantics with Ici.


Haven’t bothered to read Derps’ n0.

the PoE is just people that are a pain in the ass to read lmao

Mind you my read on the Darth_Vader and Marshal argument is based on ignorance as to how Darth Vader plays the game as town and mafia.

but this is kyo we are talking about

i just don’t know if arguing with ici is out of his wolfrange

Then why’s he in your poe

whomst has summoned the almighty one

I think it is. He’s FPS-y but I don’t think that’s inside it.

Went through Gorta’s ISO. He is probably town based on his tone from how I remember his previous games.

Asterisk there. Depends if Derps keeps it up or not.

confused sulit noises


Can you elaborate more here?

doooo sooommmeeethiiiinnnng

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i’ll sheep that for now

Or get in the shot list tomorrow.

what if i just
relax and enjoy my day 1

Then you die

/vote italy