[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

lurking noises

Anyone else than Vader have previous game experience with Leafia?


Oh wait I think Vader mentionned that

PKR also has.

How does Leafia usually play like?

Like, so far his entire ISOs has just been regarding minutia and excuses. It’s a bit contradicting for him to say he doesn’t have time but at the same time be able to pop up to make excuses why he’s not posting or making minor comments in the thread.


First of all Alice, that was a fucking read list based on posts 1-710 and I’m not even caught up and have made no substantial posts, so fuck off

Meh, even if you don’t I won’t towncore you as I know that you’re a ruthless busser.

You know, I still honestly can’t tell the difference between their Scum Meta and Town Meta.
Although as NK they are more Townier and I can tell you now Leafia ain’t NK.

Vader talked about Leafia liking to OMGUS and Death Tunneling people who vote him(her?) early, has that ever happened in one of the games you played with Leafia?

Are you talking about my comment regarding Darth? His entire “I’m voting a TL for reactions and diversifying the wagons” thing felt very performative and brought no results to the table. That’s why I wanted to probe more into him.

if it moves it gets bussed

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Mfs like Alice want to slam people who made 20/2500whatever posts before the end of day 1

We have to kill wolves to win.

I’m pretty sure most of them are in that last, if not all.

If you’re an ITA specialist or something like this then you need to shoot in the PoE.

I have my case on ModeShifter copypasted. Do I post it now or closer to EoD?

We basicaly kill the bottomfeeders unless loads of them flip town at which point we reevaluate.

Oh way more then one.
But rather in “most”.