[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Wait what?

look at edit history lmao

Sorry for difficulties with the OP. Some people never grow up


I told you all he was a troll
He’s probably came here with Yidali

Sadly I’m not too surprised these days. The quarantine has exposed those people who haven’t grown up.

I was so excited about a Fire Emblem themed game. And out of all of the lowposters I happen to be the day one lynch because of impatience.

If you think my read/push on ModeShifter is agenda-y / scummy, then I request you to read my case on him. It explains in detail why I find him scummy and why I think he should be shot, if not lynched.

I’m not using activity as evidence here. EVO re-entered the thread, noticed the wagon on him, posted a tiny message, and dipped. No attempts to stop it. Nothing. Not even a claim (as undesirable as a claim would be).

It looks like he gave up, and I’m inclined to think he’d sooner give up as groupscum than as a villager-

Oh, I’m getting ninja’d here. Hi EVO.

jfc, fine, if I’m this close to lynch, you should know, I have really good ITA potential, so keeping me for D2 would be very beneficial.

At least way until EoD to hammer so I can give my last reads off after I get off work.

not gonna be enough 4 me lul

Everyone’s saying “my class is good” and “i’m self-resolving” and then I look at my role PM like “hmmmmmm…

I agree with the above, though. Don’t hammer this.



lets do this

lmao same

Quick question Vulgard
Does your ability have potential to be negative utility?

I think it’s worse being that he’s just floating in the thread and not really chasing it and showing no belief in it. I’d expect a villager to be chasing you and Marshal down if they actually believed in it. Like, he’s just not acting like he believes that two consensus villagers are powerwolfing the thread.

Still I’d rather EVO not be quick hammered at this stage. Lets talk more thank you.

why do you ask this question so much?

Am I at L-1?

L-3 I think