[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

lol you cant bring yourself to say you agree with me so you have to add on “lightly”

Guess I’m not scum for trying to start a wagon on someone who’s self-resolving anymore, huh.

Well, like I said. I’m open to Leafia/ModeShifter as alternate CWs.

Still re-reading.

/unvote @DatBird

You know damn well.

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I’d be down to yeet Leafia tbh

Leaf claims self-resolving (IIRC) and I intend to give them the minimum time to prove it.

oh fuck sake

okay fine i’ll claim it today but i need more time to formulate it

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Every single person I suggest to lynch is “selfresolving” lmao

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Thank you. Also that’s fine, take your time.

I already self-resolved. Get on my level

I just know half the selfresolving claims aren’t gonna be selfresollving, they’re gonna be like a neighbouriser or something.

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I’m going to continue to say things as I have been to avoid giving any info away.
If I was a neighbouriser I would neighbourise someone who is townie who is not already in any of my neighbourhoods.
If I am not one then I’d want to be in a neighbourhood ngl.

Also I’m going to be fully open.
I’m not going to be entering arena tonight.
I am getting a skill.

Why tf would you say that lol

Also ur hella rich wtf

That’s even worse you said that - “hey guys i have loads of gold, im probably important”

Wait, aren’t gold amounts random?

I think I’m gonna end up voting ModeShifter or EVO.
I have pretty much the same reads as Alice when it comes to the rock bottom, and it’s somewhat concerning to me. I know we came up with them independently, but still.

Not voting yet. I think the wagon placement is good. I expect plenty of votes being thrown around at EoD.

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I doubt it, i assume they’re balanced on class and thematically relevant. if it was random scum cld have all the gold lol.

This is where I’m at too.