[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Frankly I kind of want people to ignore the gold bonus here because it’s just going to cause people to vote their townreads because lolgold.

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I’m trying to get by without voting not to get money, that’s like the third time I’ve talked about voting for money

yeah, now imagine possibly being left alive if you just…stayed asleep…


i’m mostly joking about the gold bonus

but it is kinda nice

in order to*

I’m trying to get by without voting in order not to get money, that’s like the third time I’ve talked about voting for money

thats me talking correctly version

bump your readlist from last night, i liked it


day ends in like 15 minutes

vanity wagons begone

You still on setj?


PKR seems confirmed town. I guess I will go with that.

im still not sure I like either wagon tbh

to be fair, sometimes it’s about principle

/vote EVO

then give a good reason for a CFD or shut


Don’t expect it to be flawless but I may be gone soon so I really wanted to put out my thoughts also I’m ranking how confident I am in each of my reads so yeah


CRich - First thing I’d like to point out is the sheer amount of actual content which I really like, he has posts I disagree with, the one on people who voted pardon on Chloe for example, don’t think it’s AI since the people who didn’t pardon were inactive for the most part and I don’t think we get to this situation without scum being here, he has a good reads list (as of his 110th or so post) pretty early on he already had EVO and Cheese as different alignments which is remarkable, early read on Leafia is also fairly correct, I don’t think scum gets that correctly so early or scum is really active and in towncore already
PKR - His ratings of openings is a pretty good idea even if pretty weird, his play has really suprised me this game, not much to say, Kyo read is out there. Attitude towards D1 is good maybe a little bit too forced? His attitude regarding players like ModeShifter is something I like, maybe too much trust into him? I like how vocal he is, definetly a plus, subject to change but I like him where he is rn
Vader - I iso’d him earlier and he hasn’t posted since, he has some posts and opinions that are so out there that I really struggle to believe they are scum because if they flip scum then we gain too much information. Going agaisnt consensus isn’t bad but more of a dumb move to do. Most likely to change down the line
TBE - TBE is like EVO, good posts but not enough attention being paid to him, before making this reads list I thought he was going to be lower but the more I think the more I like slot. Among his recent posts, the whole Mode is scum case is a bunch of really good posts, I like his attitude with EVO, good questions. Also a post I really like answering Alice about meta or whatever the exact context was I kinda forgot as I am writing this

Ici - He’s on the other side of the Kyo argument and since it’s probably TvT he starts out as a solid town read, I really like Ici for pointing out the one Vader post I didn’t quote because it shows to me that he read this one post of mine and cared enough about Vader to also notice I didn’t quote this post and might be dumb but I really think it’s townie like
Apprentice - Has quite a lot of presence on thread, low amount of posts but quality is consistent, agree on most reads, maybe too passive for my liking? He’s doing great analytics wise but there isn’t actually much known about who his actual SRs are and that’s why I’m not really willing to TR him rn
eevee - definetly town because of eevee, yidali was weird but it’s someone trolling, last yidali post I actually like. I like both players of the slot, overall it’s a strong TR but I’m waiting for more eevee content because he/she hasn’t subbed in for that long of a time
Chloe - The one person I never interacted with but I wish I had, interesting slot, most happened while I wasn’t here. I think most likely town because of the vote and how much Marshal vs Chloe pulled in attention (yeah trial also but still)
EVO - He’s kinda like TBE in how I feel like he makes good posts but no one notices them so like I totally see how him semi AtE’ing could happen. I feel like the towncore has too much impact because it’s pretty much the same few people having most of the control in the game and he definetly looks like a victim of that fact, also good post on towncore, I like the slot
Marshal - Marshal seems weird, like he has lots of posts but I like the fact he isn’t too out there, he has lots of fluff whatever posting but then every few posts he makes this post I really like, he’s one of the few people who really made a post on Leafia, he has a few iffy posts (scum activity one for example) definetly think being so open agaisnt claiming is NAI but him being the only person who cared about Yidali makes him look townie to me
Kyo - Kyo has low amount of actual presence in the thread kinda like Marshal that’s why they are both at the bottom of my villa reads, maybe not enough discussion about the actual game itself and too much about Yidali and stuff, him vs Marshal felt TvT and he had this dumb argument about Ici which is just so useless I don’t really believe Mafia would go for it this early
obLight - I like reads, I like the confidence, reasoning isn’t as good but I still like it, flip gives up a lot regardless of alignment, cares too much about their own life perhpas?
Vulgard - Used to like more, now less. Maybe gone too soon, would’ve liked to see him more on the topic of the latest wagon. I like the case on Cheese itself but I don’t know about Vulgard himself. Weird slot atm for me
sulit - litlit looked scummier to me before reading, maybe my biggest problem with the slot is the lack of decision on who to actually vote for hence why I’m hoping for her to comeback later on to actually cast a vote, voting italy is kinda like, eh. I like the serious posts minus Italy vote but not enough to be higher up. Italy vote isn’t wrong it’s just not the best.
SDA - Hard to read, check is weird but I can understand, weirdly obssessed with Chloe recently, I’ll wait and see for more thoughts

Gorta - Being on EVO wagon is weird because it’s not really pro town and mostly just stealing money, also susses Cheese. No real content, Vote on EVO tells me very slight scum
Evil_Ginger - Slot is weird, don’t really know what to say to be honest, this is probably my weakest read, I liked him before but recently it’s been more memes than I’d like so I’m starting to lean on slight scum because of lack of content
Italy - Italy is just here, I think my opinion on the slot is just going to be set during day 2 but as of right now, not much has happened with the slot.
Hippo - Another player I have very little interactions with which make him hard to read, kinda faded into the background compared to other people in the game, probably a slot that survives for a while so I’ll get the opportunity to get a better read down the line
Alice - Alice is so weird man, Firstly, she has this read list which is so underwhelming, top 4 scum is like EVO Leafia Italy and I think it was Mode or Cheese, you can’t tell me those four are your top 4 scum, it just seems so weird. Might be double standards but gut really makes me think something is wrong, There’s also the attitude regarding the game. First post really made me think “Ok, Alice is going to lead the town and the outcome of the game will probably depend on whether Alice rolled wolf or town” but then the more time passes on the less risks are taken, there’s not a lot of initiatives being taken and Alice is being read as townie for not a whole lot, telling people to get off cheese wagon, the attitude with Leafia is also really weird. Also Alice claimed to be basically VT, doesn’t that just go agaisnt what she said early? And there’s also a lot of believing people who claim self resolving, really weird slot
Cheese - Cheese is weird. I’d definetly pick EVO over him if I had to save one, the issue is, I’m mostly reading Cheese compared to other people which is, I can admit unfair to him, there’s not a lot going on. I like how he doesn’t really try to defend himself real hard and not voting is a good thing. I honestly think we should let Cheese alone as of right now and see later on
Modeshifter - Lots of questions, but there isn’t much content from him, the slot feels weird, recently there hasn’t been much content at all, I don’t really like how hard he wanted to CFD because it doesnt seem like he SRs him at all, he’s also oddly defensive. Also reads TBE and CRich as scum which is weird doesn’t make much sense

Leafia - There’s too much wrong with this slot, honestly this is the least risky take in the whole post because it’s just so out there. if she can mech confirm as town then good for her and if she cannot then well bye regardless of actual alignment so my input does very little but I definetly dont like the action nor the logic behind the post and I don’t think they should even be allowed a night of doing whatever they want





The list isn’t ordered, I don’t have that many SRs and honestly some of the people here, My reads are very bad. I wanted to put out something so quality might not be here, sorries!! (also dont hesitate to @ me when my read turns out wrong or you just disagree with it communication good!!)

@DatBird vc me daddy

but on a side note thank u for doing this and sorry for pings I just wanna know where game is at
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Oh, and Alice is on this train. I guess I dont feel so bad anymore.

lurks for hammer