[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Eevee / Chloe are my absolute town people I’d die for

Coming into day shotlist was

Leafia (if no self resolve)

probably won’t be around a lot till later today my power is still having issues and I have tests and school stuff I gotta get out of the way

I’m logically the best person to frame in this game. Lols.

I don’t think we have a town vig. A town vig always kills Cheese or ModeShifter after what happened yesterday. Alice dying here and getting cleaned means that either town KP failed, or we just don’t have a night 1 vig.

@Leafia @Chloe How are you resolved?

@Centuries You have some explaining to do.

I haven’t made a list so would take me a bit.
I’ll be around in a bit.
Just had to pop on early to see feedback and then didn’t want to wait.

pkr if this is an rt i swear i will punch you
/ita modeshifter

Maybe by the power of me being Town I’ll survive all shots and scum will die to them instead and we win!

Thanks Chief.

We can only hope

Yes, regarding what?

A what??



I request to take away Italy’s ability to shoot for the entire game.
Kill this guy today. Stop insta-shooting.



he’s literally fucking redchecked you nut

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then point out exactly whats bad about it

and yes, I believe if people gave their shot lists that would help us, would it not?

If you’re wondering, I didn’t target Alice and as I said my post was for the sake of posting my thoughts.

not gonna ree @ ppl for shooting the redcheck