[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Like you knew that Seth was scum so I was telling the truth and you shot him to look good?
I think that’s how TMI is explained.

Actual answer: Shotlist is far too wide, Ginger and SDA are almost certainly villagers, and Hippo is also a pretty weak pick. It’s the kind of shotlist that allows wolves to get away with shooting villagers easily.

datbird hasn’t announced if i hit or not ree

that is absolutely not what TMI is, but I’m going to stop getting distracted

Question: Do you have any results?
I don’t think I want to shoot you today, since there are so many better targets, but I’d like you to answer honestly.
That’s all I’d like to know from you for now.

Last night I used an ability to prove myself to chloe

that is all I will say

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okay so here’s the thing
shotlists are not readlists

Why do i have to have a headache at day start

This is too much for me to keep up on

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Or both of you are scum that shot me.
That’s also possible.
Maybe you will both magically die.
Although I’m not sure if Scum goes for a red check like that.

do you want the monologue or the short version on why i faked lying darkness

A shot fires…

You missed!
You shoot me you looser.

Please please hit and flip.

We need a consistent shotlist for all of us to act on. Normally, this is much easier to do, because ITAs normally happen in 1 hour windows, but we can’t exactly rely on that here, and “Only shoot in windows!!!” is not enforcable practically.

No results, I wonder why you expect results from me though.

Wolves use this excuse way too frequently.

Are you, by any chance, a doublevoter?

I dislike how he immediately defaulted to “oh PKR says he has a redcheck and he ITAd Mode, so Mode is 100% scum.”
Without considering that Seth is telling the truth about being framed, and that you could’ve been lying.

Don’t shoot me.
Choose someone who’s actually scum.

And… it misses

enforcable by gun

may I reccomend quoting the ITA shot you’re resolving
because this sounds like a silent ITA shot to me

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