[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Because he immediately ITA’d as soon as day started out of panic and I’d prefer him dead over anyone else at the moment.

I would like a harder confirm if possible tho @Chloe

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It’s not that I’m angry about, it’s how horribly disorganised it is. This is why I prefer ITA sessions over all day ITAs.


I don’t really want a 1-shot frame

he’s obviously a wolf readwise and he’s also peeked w by somebody who’s pretty obviously a villager

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I want specific people to shoot mode

why does centuries want such a powerful most likely town role dead

I checked Seth last night due to promising I’d deal with his slot.
Redcheck :slight_smile:

it would about double ur wealth

triple actually

and killing him is fine, but please do not just randomly fucking shoot him in your first post of the day

i have almost 1/10 of my goal filled by a conftown and statistically i’m more likely to extort request gold from town

Whew finally caught up and I gotta say

@Centuries @TheBlueElixir y’all are bitch ass mothafuckas

Also, it is a shame my passive is now useless. Giving Alice a +5% ITA chance is now void.

The fuck is your class PKR (this is not intended to be answered just the day 1 thing+invest lmao)

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msg me bb i’ll give u drug money

if you want to kill me
at least fucking wait until i’ve picked

Also Italy scum

hey there’s a class that can fake Lying Darkness in the game

Who is Seth actually?