[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

yes. So people ITA themselves or anyone but the 1 most obvious/conf/consensus town and let that player win

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I am a town suicide bomber

Marshal we actually got masons together lmao pog

wow this is really stretching the characterisation of the dyu RP you promised :^)


Sure ill try

Ici town yes sir

alice has to flush the reasonableness from her brian so she did it all in 1 post


valid response

I kind of want a serious match and to actually win here considering that the last large mash-ish game the village won here was over a year ago.

Oh I’ve broken rule E) Section 1 as well

dybudabu thinks he has a scum but will wait for them to embarrass themselves more


she also has to push it from her brain

but she should focus on pushing it from her brian first

Alice is a wolf ayayayay

Don’t worry, I do understandd.

Nice the game finally started!

Talk to me Kyo.

pog we gaming

What’s on your mind?

Disagree, Vigilantes should be on people inside PoE and ever so slighly outside as well
PoE shots are not clearing

Has Ici been able to get past his tonal issues when wolfing?