[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

that’s not a valid reason to claim d1 in a game with anticlaim

RIP Sulit’s Pizza, gone to where Astand’s coffee went.


Cold pizza isn’t terrible… Do you mean like room temp or like COLD?

@DatBird /vote ModeShifter alright parking here now. I want more pressure

for reference PKR has on multiple occasions fakeclaimed neut to avoid conversion

we don’t really know

but its based off of an anime

if conversion was a possibility someone who’s watched it would probably already have guessed it

Maybe he wants to be shot D1

op says no conversion

so dont act scummy to avoid conversion today
theres no point

Room temperature

I took it out of the oven then I forgot I made it

Now I have to use the microwave too

nah let him live
i think he’s >rand v

Read op fucking nerds

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I mean, I was referencing this ᵇᵘᵗ ᵒᵏ

Light is probably town

Light is town

shut up

I have a N0 on light

Oh, that’s an oof moment. What type of pizza? I’m a monster, Hawaiian is my favorite.

it’s not based off an anime
it’s based off a video game with an anime art style
huge difference
can i become lock village because of pointing out this EPIC semantic callout? :sunglasses:


Regular cheese

tis a shame

Not sure how to contribute at this point

so heres another icebreaker since people have actually developed reads

if you could ITA, who would you ITA rn?