[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

For goodness’ sake, that’s not mechanical information!

yes it is
because that’s not a fucking skill

you mean my ex-wife


you bitch

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Did you read my italics? I’ve already attempted to shoot ModeShifter.

youre dead to me

welcome to the shotlist


Italy, that’s literally a fucking skill. It’s hypercharge.

he’s already on shotlist lol

well now hes on the mega-shotlist

that’s not a skill on the list

how did you know its name

None of you have picked up on my role yet
I’m very disappointed

Right now rough shotlist for me is looking like

  1. Mode
  2. Cheese
  3. Kyo

in that order if possible

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Two shots fired at the greens…

i just misunderstood how Charge works

And they both miss…

don’t fucking soft!!!


I’m here and as Apprentice can and has vouched for, I self resolved with him last night. Here’s my thoughts.

Marshal, Ici, Chloe, and Apprentice

These three are lock town for me right now soince the three of them are the only ones wanting the random ITAs to styop and scum would want that right now. I personally agree with the three of them. We need to get a shotlist together and agree on it before even thinking of shooting. Anyone who talks about shooting someone right now is lock scum.

PKR: Hmmm, he’s probably town, even if him checking Seth N1 was a bit fishy. It doesn’t rewally seem like a townie thing to do. I only think he’s likely town due to how he acted yesterday.

Eevee: I’m getting a null read on Eevee, although their decision to shoot a green was slightly scummy.

Derps: Slight scumlean but could be town. I don’;t think he would’ve acted the way he did yesterday as scum though, but him wanting so much to ITA is scummy.

Hippo: Slight townread as nothing he’s said sounds particularly scummy to me.

Seth: Hardcore scum. No way is he town. He’s not acting townie at all. I wish I had changed my voote to him before heading off D1. Then EVO would still be alive. I’m sorry EVO. I was a fool. It’s my fault you got lynched.

Italy: Not sure I trust his neutral claim or not, but I’d be willing to give him some gold just in case he’s telling the truth.

Evil_Ginger: A null read on him at the moment.

I know I missed at least a few people but these are the major ones I can think of at the moment.

define some

/ITA mode @DatBird