[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!



should have saved my ITA for arete :frowning:

Same tho

Arete you have an hour to read all 6k posts

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now process my ITA nerdburger I wanna take a math test but not b4 u do

Okay Kyo just moved up on my readlist by quite a lot lol

Not the same reasoning as some people would think though

There’s literally 3 people who can process shots.
Doesn’t just have to be Dat…
I think?

i was intentionally playing non-town to see if anyone could peg me as neut
then alice vibereads me as town and sulit…does sulit things and comes to the conclusion i’m town before doing a total 180 and calling me scum for 24 hours

What part of ADDITIONAL shot you don’t get ._.

He shoot BOTH on Mode AND npc.
And that’s perfectly fine. Why tf would he not shoot an npc when his ability literally allows him to do it for free.

A base 300 of 500 that I’ve already wasted on Arena and most of the items cost thousands anyway.

Well yes, I literally tried to shoot ModeShifter but as I said before my 2nd ITA only works in events

I would have to be a) a scum and b) actually doing the faction kill for that to happen
It’s obvious the way my class was designed that ITA is the only way I gain gold

Hey, wait, does that mean I was the closest since I put you in weak town and couldn’t give an explanation??? I’M SO COOL

Eevee, how is ITAing someone who could possibly be scum but might be town over someone confirmed to be scum and shooting at a green with an ITA instead of at least a red, which proves that you don’rt want the town to benefit a townie move?


You’re SRing him for using the ability properly lol

@Arete has replaced in

crich is closest for calling out my playstyle on “attempting to appear neutral”

for @Evil_Ginger.

for who?

we will never know

how much gold do you have
and can i have all of it