[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Hey I already did nerd stop being mean

Get away from me

Ur stinky

I hate this forum on mobile

can’t say i didn’t try


do you want a list of what my vague impressions of every player were or are there specific people you were curious about

i need somebody who is 100% undeniably town
but also has a lot of money they’re willing to part with

List and then I can ask specifics after.

No, you.

also this is lolmechanics but we should probably lynch Mode rather than shooting him, given the thing where he didn’t die to the first ITA to hit him

possible he’s angeled

Hip please.
You wanted to be towncore before.
You need to make reads and take this game seriously.
Your attitude really annoys me and just puts you as a PL which, if there weren’t 2 red checks, I would be going for.

It’s entirely possible chloe is the cleaner that’s going to clean themselves to ‘mechconfirm’ Marshal after they die. I don’t believe this mechanical clear at all.
Chloe should die.

the sole fact that chloe doesn’t want to make a donation makes them town honestly

any scum would want me on their team because of the benefits

PKR if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Exactly. That’s what I thought.

Rich I’ve already partly gone over, he immediatly went onto EVO the moment Alice started the counterwagon to cheese and since cheese is scum and seeing how hard he went onto EVO I assume him and Cheese are likely to be scum with each other

Vader I had him higher earlier but inactive, waiting for more
oB is weird probably the person who I have the least certainty on the read, he seems okay but then he kinda pops into the thread and disappears just as quick, that and the fact that despite reading his ISO I still don’t really know much of his thoughts and all, it’s fairly null

Sulit starts out fairly good with some game related posts but then she uses the early TR from Alice too much to her advantage, I think it’s within scum sulit range to actually do that, she wasn’t too involved in cheese-evo-mode stuff but voted Evo so it’s definetly weird

Ici is there because while I believed he was town earlier I’ve started to doubt my read because I feel like I’ve not seen enough recently, he’s also like Light someone who I didn’t really get the chance to interact with so I don’t think much in reality

Hippo is there, I feel like none of his posts look too scummy by themselves but he has a lot of little posts which have a really weird evolution, at least to me, it might be dumb but for someone in thread this much he still doesn’t do much by himself, or at least he doesnt do that good of a job at making me believe what he says, I see his posts and just think “eh ok” they never make me understand his thought process I feel at least?

This is definetly a more “Eh” pack of players whose read is the most subject to evolve

No, the treestump makes sounds instead

I’ll give you the latter Eevee but Mode was confirmed scum even before D2 started. How could you possibly not have known that? Did you not pay any attention D1? It has been known since the beginning of D2 that Mode was the shot for the day. People were ebven shooting at him long before you took your shot.

Why would i confirm marshal if i were scum

I would keep it to myself and kill him

Because he’s your partner

Actually… can only town and scum donate to you?
What would happen if another neutral donated most?

if i get 5000 gold from scum before town
i become a framer who permanently hides the factional kill
and also since the op doesn’t state it
i guess i have mechanical info that there is a factional kill?