[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

hI tHeRE

I literally have had Kyo as my lowest read for ages.
Don’t even try this.
I’m not in the mood with you.

i’m a confirmed message sender at the very least
and if anyone doubts that tonight i will send the ultimate message

Italy how much gold do u need to become town?

I cannot vote
My role is clear as day, lmfao
My role is never assigned to mafia either
And if you think I’m lying about not being able to vote why would I remove one of the most powerful tools scum has

You are an insufferable fool.

/ITA Centuries
@DatBird, @N.1, @Geyde


we live in a society where people would rather sr the active playerbase whose all making good posts than the inactive low post scum

bottom text


i currently have 1600

Someone can confirm themself to you as town if they give the right number. We shld force someone in poe to do it.

  • Unable to vote
  • Cannot die to ITAs

Anybody want to take a guess at what I am


You said it’s clear you’re immune to ITAs.
I fail to see even a percentage of correlation.

If u dont become town then they are mafia.

most of these are my thoughts from prior to replacing in

  1. Marshal - have him in the general Marshalzone where he seemed townie but I’m paranoid because of misclearing him, apparently he’s mechconfirmed on Chloe (obviously if it gets to LyLo and they’re both still alive that’s slightly :eyes:, this goes for all of the mech confirmed people)
  2. KyoDaz - wasn’t really trying to read him
  3. ClonedCheese - seemed kinda wolfy but I don’t remember why
  4. ModeShifter - super wolfy, not in town meta at all, felt like he was trying to fake his town meta, apparently he’s redchecked now
  5. SirDerpsALot - PoE and hasn’t done anything to clear himself
  6. CRichard564 - seems basically in-town-meta so far, at this point I think the shot from Mode spews him clear (yes, I’m assuming the check is real, I don’t see PKR doing that sort of RT based on who he is as a player and I don’t see townread-wolf!PKR faking a red on a villager (could be a bus but if it’s a bus then Mode is still a wolf))
  7. Italy - seemed kinda wolfy
  8. Vulgard - like the world’s most obvious villager, I basically locked him as town from the early Dybuposts and never looked back
  9. 意大利 eevee - my actual read on this slot was that eevee was probably telling the truth about being Yidali, I didn’t really try to read their alignment
  10. Hippoyeetus - don’t really remember anything from him
  11. oB_L1ght - I vaguely remember him having a readpost that felt less fake then the readpost from his scum game? so probably V?
  12. an_gorta_pratai - don’t remember anything from him
  13. PokemonKidRyan - trial thing is weird and not really alignment-relevant, posts felt not fake? I guess?
  14. Darth_Vader - all I remember was him tunnelling Alice
  15. Alice - I thought she was town but my reasons for thinking she was town are borderline-angleshooty (looking up the AP schedule to verify cloned’s claim made me think she didn’t have TMI) (also she died at night so it doesn’t matter)
  16. Apprentice - don’t remember anything from him, apparently he’s confirmed by Leafia
  17. Icibalus - I didn’t hate his posts so I think he’s probably village
  18. EVO - Lynched Day 1 Finn - I was expecting this to flip wolf but apparently not
  19. Evil_Ginger - didn’t have a read on this slot, now it’s me
  20. sulit - kinda think she could be a wolf based on how she’s faded? but I’d have to actually re-read the thread
  21. Chloe - sElFrEsOlViNg
  22. Leafia - also sElFrEsOlViNg but, like, way wolfier self-resolving. but apparently they resolved? so I guess I’ll trust that? but seriously this was my top wolfread yesterday minus the claim, everything they wrote felt like agenda
  23. TheBlueElixir - seemed kinda wolfy yesterday but writing a giant wallpost on why Alice was scum doesn’t feel like something a newbie wolf would do if they were killing Alice, and I don’t see that being a vig shot
  24. Centuries - they had a readlist that didn’t completely suck

uh if i dead bc zone is mean then dont forget my reads kthxbye

i can create a big thunderdome yes
but they’d have to have 3400 gold and be willing to die instantly for not changing my alignment

I mean how much more gold

3400 gold if i know how to do math (which i probably don’t)

Oh that’s a lot of gold u need lol