[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

He probably was.

do you even have 3400 gold to donate

and don’t worry, the message is instant even at night so you won’t get got

I’ve made a post on Alice top TRs for example and 3 of them make no sense, I’m not trusting this personally

okay but like

read the post where Yidali admitted to being fake

a bunch of the language patterns are consistent with how eevee talks (e.g. ‘tho’ rather than ‘though’)


Yeah, chronology of events is bullshit.
I should have predicted that 1 hour after me pushing Italy PKR comes out with redcheck on Mode.

Your logic makes no sense.

If you say Mode was confirmed scum, I want to know why.
I didn’t read day 1 eod, I wasn’t there. Explain it to me.

Heh. Go ahead and tell them. Their sloth will outweigh your “exposure”.

…in the meantime: @eevee, how do you feel about death on N3?

no eevee is making perfect sense, that’s kind of the problem I have

if eevee is yidali he should be demodded and blacklisted

but I don’t think he is


they weren’t using an english keyboard
eevee is

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If eevee is yidali, I literally will not play with eevee again.

and im not going to tinfoil that head mod broke the rules in a major way for an advantage in the game.


eevee would’ve only violated the no alts rule
That isn’t blacklist + demod worthy

this would be like
bannable offense, no?

would you like to point to the posts that portray this

why did wolves kill her if her PoE was wrong

people were already implying they’d be suspicious of her if Evo flipped V

maybe she miscleared a deepwolf somewhere but deepwolves are easier to find once you’ve killed all the easy wolves

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yidali couldn’t bold because their keyboard wasn’t english

And ur scumteam cant factional kill me nor any members kill me.

No I have 1400

He’s making no sense at all to me and why didn’t you read the EoD stuff if you’re town Eevee? Or at least pick up on the fact that everyone was saying to shoot Mode and even shooting at him? I wasn’t here for the EoD either, but I at least read up on what happened during it.
