[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

that’s not japanese nerd

just do @ then scroll down

it’s chinese btw -_-

Beat it, nerd

marshal feels kinda manipulative

maybe I’m just being paranoid

no :angry:

fuck APCS
ima read this thread

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You guys obviously misunderstand. I am God. Everything I say is true, therefore it is Japanese.

im directly trying to manipulate people

i’ve been open about this

I’m basically putting Marshal in the Marshal-tier.

Basically, consider him V until mid-late game, then re-eval.

yeah i know that

doesnt change my thoughts

Marshal does all of those as scum. I don’t see how that’s “obvious” town.

big brain: never @ anybody and just hope that people Know Who You’re Talking About

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you scare me

ToS2 flashbacks

No, cloned, I’ll literally sheep your reads if you study and do well on your AP Exam

What is anticlaim?
What is ita?

Apprentice, I apologise for not having included you before when I did my reads. I sorta liked your opening, you asked a question which is good to establish, voted someone fairly quickly and discussed the possibility of a wolf theatre between Ici (W/W) being low.

I liked your contributions so I’d put you as a 6, maybe 7.

…thinking Yidali may be a villager.

that is not what I think the marshal-tier is

I like being cop checked

do that to me daddy cops

stop and get frisky with me

Marshal gets his own alignment

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I knew the content of APCS long before I took the class

I’m fine :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope