[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

We have a fuckton of time

oh come on that’s all a prank right

then how do you know that Derps is telling the truth about not buying the frame

…and does the fact that ‘buy frame’ is an option he was apparently given make you concerned

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chloe if you give me all your gold i promise not to enter the arena and stomp all the contestants

I only have silver and copper

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Good that you mention it. There is one more point with bidding.
I was told there is 3 people invited and only me and Derps came out.

Normally I would say it’s becouse mafia agreed they want to buy ability cheaply with 3rd person, but… I’m actually winning auction with 1 gold rn?

It’s… weird.

We lack 3rd person.

I see. Very well.

Y’know what? Only for you, I will do this:

/vote ModeShifter @DatBird

so you have chosen
legendary items

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Many people havent showed up

Or could be scum

I can’t vote. This is about as bad as Looming Threat’s demotivational omega action on me.
Alice was leading as well so I don’t really feel the need to do much

/ITA ModeShifter

@DatBird @N.1

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try voting

see if it comes up on a VC

@eevee, don’t ignore me.
How do you feel about dying N3?

Oh, I’m not restricted to vote
I just get heavily penalized if I do

okay but Alice is now dead so this shouldn’t apply anymore, right?

It actually has a flavor.

I was told that a secret message stamped with a heart was shove under my doors, and that it contained invitation for bidding for abilities. Explaining how to bid and for what.

Something like event, just for… not everyone?

Here’s my reasoning on why it might be better to lynch Zone. We know that Seth is evil, but he isn’t doing much. While with Zone, he’s activelty being obnoxious and actively hurting the discussion with his antics. So he must be evil too and if we lynch him, we get rid of an obnoxious scum that’s trying to derail things, so less damage is done overall. I want to hear everyone else’s thoughts on this though.

We have an open wolf.
I still don’t feel the need to do much except make it aware that eevee should never be ITA’d today and that Marshal + chloe could easily be doing some sort of clean fiasco.