[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

dw arete i got this

Thunder Brigade (Night): Learn of a players Flavor Name, their Alignment, and one of their abilities (3 uses)

so neuts exist?

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Forgotten howling…

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oh shit that’s a different take

who could have predicted this


arete i’ll find the lost wolf dw

Forgotten Howling.
A sad separated pack.
Is all my hope lost?

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shots @ cheese next IMO

we got mode

ayaya gamers

I think we clear cheese and then decide what to do with the last remaning shots if there are any

oh I guess your take works too

…and makes sense given the neut claim

Tbh @Marshal

I kinda blame you for stopping me from crossreferencing passives.
If I figured it out it’s legendary, it could go easier due to knowing weapon type.

Like equipping right weapon to hit person with a sword ect.

Just kinda, since it’s mostly RNG. But still.

I don’t think either of the passives from the weapons stopped the kill

if it wasn’t a weapon passive then derps was ita immune
there’s a sword that gives miracle

It did. Legendary sword with miracle

So if we got from crossreferencing charge + vantage = reinhardt, we would be able to see reinhardt cna use swords and that legendary sword has miracle.

It all adds up.

And Mode was forced to use swords too, so it would be easy to pick right counter at him.


in light of Mode’s flip I no longer think my ‘wolves would bus-shoot Mode’ take applies

wolves likely would have been reluctant to shoot Mode due to knowing 100 percent that he was bouncing shots back (as opposed to just thinking that that could be the case), and also wolves would care more about not getting reflection-shot by a scumbuddy

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i need a safe but rich target for mugging

eevee and cheese’s shots look way worse

ngl im going to be in a constant state of anxiety for the rest of this game now

who was maintaining the shot chart, can they quote it

because your ita can backfire at any moment?

How is my shot worse actually?

No because i hardclaimed part of my class