[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


do I speak


Wait, did you do this?
Thats why there is no 3rd person coming forward?

Why tf motion detector in game full of PRs? Like… ehhh?
Like if you gave me a frame as you claimed it would be better reaction test.

No just saying technically it’s possible

Arete could be scum fake claiming justi too

i don’t speak

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You didnt send me it?

I reckon the reason alice was cleaned is each scum has an ability like “if u perform factional kill do x”. Mode had tracker. Clearly one mafia has “if you do factional kill clean target”. They decided this is the strongest special factional ability. So I imagine they have unlimited cleans as long as a specific member of mafia does factional - it cost them nothing to clean Alice’s body. If it did and it was a limited use ability I doubt they’d have done it.


That’s a shot list but it doesn’t differenciate that much with her reads

No I thought you sent me it

It’s likely the third person is scum here IMO

Why wouldnt scum join the bidding tho.
It’s like… ehh?

Id bet money this is a correct deduction fyi.

I have no idea

yeah I agree with that take

Wait, unless 3rd person was Alice.
That makes sense.

Alice was rather town read day 1.
So was I day 1 actually.

I like this take

The only thing missing is how alice died when she was a top protective target

But i dont wanna speculate too much on it cuz then we get into mech talk :upside_down_face:

I just find it amusing out of all the things I could Probabaly have gotten I got a 1-shot fucking frame

less talking about mechanics

more talking about reads


Back to work I go

Eevee how would alice join the bid if you used it today

Motion detector in game full of PRs is better meme :^)