[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I was going to do it anyway


this applies for Apprentice/Chloe/Marshal the mech confirmed

I really don’t care that Leafia is mech confirmed sorry

oh wait he’s not confirmed is he nvm

So you targeted 3 people so far? Cool.

rest of list is TBD

depending on cheese’s flip most likely

kyo is a shot I wouldn’t hate but I would much prefer cheese

marshal, marshal, and marshal

TBE, if there are people in your PoE who are in the consensus PoE but aren’t Cheese I don’t object to non-Cheese PoE shots

(how this affects my read on your slot is obviously going to depend in part on their flip and Cheese’s flip)

well no

he’s targeted 1 person

and I

first i sent him a message ripped right from Lying Darkness and edited to look real
then i sent him a message pretending to be the irs
then i just fucking mugged him

why do I hate all of them

eh if gorta misses cheese ill get your shotlist from SoD, otherwise we build off of cheese’s flip

You are boring.

the SoD shotlist has changed

the messages are not boring though

i enjoyed watching marshal react to getting scammed by the lying darkness

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well if you hate the 2 top scum then who do you like

Chloe (If not resolved)
Leafia (If not resolved)
Modeshifter [Wait for confirmation from PKR, if he can handle this solo, take it off shot list]

I mean this is more or less what I have rn

im waiting for vader before claling for shots on it

kyo has moved up

italy is off the list

and the mech conditionals proved themselves

uh greetings
i guess it’s inevitable ima die today

let me share thoughts quickly before i die
for some reason im thinking gorta shot gonna hit

but in short, im town lmao

One shot was fired…

It was a hit!


missed this

im going to look into venn-diagraming stuff and see if I can get to a spot like that

kyo is top scum


no I said I liked kyo/cheese

well we’ll see