[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Wanted to let marshal play

none of Derps’s first several posts today mention Marshal

he specifically talks about Marshal’s fake redcheck

And if I missed everyone would have ITAed me back

in a way that doesn’t imply knowing Marshal is scum

and you would have had 2 wolves outted.


you just die here


Derps if you’re FPSing this is your last chance to rescind

Why wouldnt you look for spew from your redcheck?

Marshal speaks a lot of sense. I think Derps is the lynch for today.

I don’t think what we’re seeing between Derps/Marshall is TvT or MvM here. This is probably TvM here.

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That’s other peoples jobs

so do you hardclaim no rescindo cop with unframeable red on me?

if so we can enter the dome™

Derps if you flip V and get two other V killed

I will personally make sure to never play a game with you again

If he really is cop then both Marshal and Chloe die.

Everyone agree with that?


I agree with it

Fuck this makes me want to say something but i promised myself i would wait until the last 12ish hours of this in-game day

And im sticking to that

Fine this is mostly and RT but I still have some mech stuff that makes me strongly believe marshal/Chloe is scum

And there it is