[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I don’t believe you’re scum so stop trying to go for hero plays as town and just follow the plan, you can kill me later idc but doing it rn is just throwing.

Bro if you shoot a townie without having read up the thread you’re gonna have a hard time getting TR’d even if you’re “confirmed”

What plan? There’s nothing heroic in removing a weird slot from the PoE. I’m just doing my job. And with respect:

Absolutely none of these clear you.
I’ve explained why Mode’s read on you reads as distancing; in mashes, there are always enough wolves that you can have one or two defend the mislynch, Mode was peeked w, and Marshal is lock v, so fake redpeeking you is just a thing that happened. The final one is the only one that matters, and your reads are profoundly unimpressive.

#7765 is the most important post about me so if you just want to make a case on me then read those posts

I almost never read the thread and I still have a very good shot record.

Correction: Derps faked a redpeek on you, but Derps is pretty clearly a villager, so it really does not fucking clear you.

You could argue that the sum of all of this could indicate I’m town

Okay and? Town me is defending EVO

W!Me with TMI wouldn’t have shot someone who could reflect the shot onto me when I was already not in PoE

Please prove that because you keep calling my posts bad and whatever but it doesn’t actually prove my posts are bad. I have quite the amount of reads out there you could probably make a case if my progress or even my reads themselves were weird but you keep calling it bad without explaining

Dude I swear that you should be reading

no balls

I would like to know the case presented against me, but it’s also 4:15 AM so I should be in bed.

There’s not a lotof stuff agaisnt you but there’s not that much going for you either

That’s not how reads work.


There is a huge number of mechanical reasons that this doesn’t clear you, so it’s moot.

The truth is that it’s not your actual content that’s actually super bad- it’s just pretty standard unimpressive content. You’re wolfy because of how you defend yourself constantly, and you seem to have a photographic memory for shoddy reasons to call yourself v.

/ITA Centuries


I don’t think there’s a realistic chance of this flipping v.

Gorta my guy

Again I’d like actual arguments because while yes I’m not that good at reading others you can clearly see I’m trying to actually read people properly

No, all you can say is “He took a gamble” and perhaps “Oh weapon trifecta had you winning”

RN I’m defending myself to create content for the NA peeps to read up when they wake up, optimal play is just leaving you alone but I’m playing to win not to stay alive.

No, you just quoted my one post that is me making a list of things that have happened that might suggest I’m town.

What would you like to see from me? Do you want reads? I can give reads, but it will be tomorrow when it’s not 4:19 AM. I ask the same question to @Vulgard and anyone else who doesn’t think I have enough stuff. You have to tell me what you want, I am not a mind reader.

Praise reverted lol

Bro, you’re throwing.

If I die, don’t kill Ici, he’s maybe a special kind of idiot (and so am I for staying in thread) but like you’re really fucking throwing trying to make a hero play when every confirmed people in the game said not to hero shoot bc we have this game ezpz if we just play normally

You’re still awake Gorta? I’m fast asleep long before 4 am.

This isn’t a hero shot- you’re PoE.